Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 59

In Yun bixue's view, good drama plays can bring people enlightenment and thinking, and it is also a good way of education.

And yunbixue also has many scripts in her mind, so she wants to write them down.

Because Xie's family is in Beidi, because Xie limo, yunbixue also has feelings for Beidi generation. She hopes to make some contribution to make Beidi more prosperous.

Yunbixue told Xie limo what she thought in her heart.

Xie limo wanted to support yunbixue from his heart.

What yunbixue wants to do, Xie limo wants to support her.

But Xie limo thinks that yunbixue is too busy recently, and doesn't have a rest. Xie limo looks at it with heartache.

"Ah Xue, I don't want you to be busy all the time. You always have to have a rest!" Xie Li Mo sighed, rubbed the hair of next cloud blue snow, say like this!

Yunbixue was stunned. In fact, she didn't feel tired. Maybe she had Xie limo by her side, so she was full of energy.

Perhaps in modern times, as the successor of the Yun family, she has to be busy with many business groups, so she is used to such a busy rhythm!

In fact, yunbixue has forgotten some modern memories.

In fact, after Yun bixue and Xie limo returned to the Xie family, Xie limo was reluctant to let her tired and let her relax.

Most of the time, it is Xie limo who takes yunbixue to go sightseeing.

Yunbixue blinked her eyes and didn't know how to say it.

Deep down in her heart, she didn't want Xie to worry.

Xie limo looked at yunbixue's look and said, "ah Xue, when we finish the ceremony, I'll handle the business of opening this shop. What do you think? Tell me, I'll do it, OK?"

Xie limo also wants to share something for yunbixue.

Xie limo naturally supports what yunbixue wants to do. He just doesn't want yunbixue to work so hard.


Yunbixue knows that Xie limo is very smart. It's said that Xie limo is extremely talented, both civil and military.

And even if she comes from modern times, she has a lot of ideas to tell Xie limo, and Xie limo knows how to do it.

Before Xie limo's body has not been fully taken care of, so yunbixue also loves Xie limo, and is worried about Xie limo's body, so she doesn't want Xie limo to be tested.

Now Xie limo's body is almost completely better, so he has a little exercise, there will be no problem at all.

However, for Xie limo, the most important thing is to hold a ceremony with yunbixue.

Before, because of the Xie family accident, many people automatically avoided the relationship with the Xie family.

Xie limo has been supporting the Xie family all these years.

Now with yunbixue ceremony, Xie limo is afraid that there is no one, too cold.

So Xie limo also consulted Yun bixue.

Yunbixue holds Xie limo's hand, "as long as you are there, it's not cold. Our own ceremony, you have me, people from Xie's house, will be lively."

Yunbixue also has some ideas in her mind. She is ready to prepare and surprise Xie limo.


Before going to bed at night, yunbixue suddenly thought of something and got up to write and draw on the paper.

Yunbixue doesn't want to make Xie limo feel lonely, so she teaches the guards and maids something.

She also taught them some music, and she specially made musical instruments.