Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 5

In the excitement and cheers of the people, yunbixue went to the north.


Beidishe family

when Yun bixue wakes up again after she is unconscious on the road, she has arrived at beidishe family.

She is through to this body, this body is a little weak.

On the road acclimatized, plus she may not adapt to this era, so the road fainted.

After falling asleep, yunbixue feels that she has returned to the modern world.

She felt that she was calling a name all the time, "Xie limo, Xie limo..."

When she woke up again, she woke up in a room.

It's dark in the room.

But she saw a figure not far from the bed.

He sat on the table by the window, as if looking at the document.

He seemed to want to cough, but he was repressing, coughing gently, "cough..."

The voice was very light. He seemed to be afraid of disturbing someone.

When he turns a book, his movements are also very light and soft.

Yunbixue can't see his face clearly. Against the light, he can only see his figure.

His figure is a little thin, but it gives people a sense of nobility.

The wind through the window gently blowing in, blowing up a wisp of his hair, let him have a feeling to fly in the wind.

Just his figure sitting there is very charming.

Cloud blue snow Leng Leng looking at, I do not know why, the heart seems to have missed a beat.

This person is just a figure, give her a palpitation.

It's a wonderful feeling.

Ever since she came to the world and became the princess, she always felt that she was a little empty and didn't care about anything.

But the moment she saw this person, she felt as if she could breathe, as if her heart could beat.

She had a real sense of coming into the world.

Yunbixue recovered from her trance, then sat up and got ready to get out of bed.

At this time, Xie limo seemed to hear the voice, he turned around and looked at yunbixue.

In such an instant, yunbixue looks at Xie limo and is stunned to forget his breath and reaction.

He looks so gorgeous. His hair is like ink, his eyebrows and eyes are like painting, his skin is like snow, his face is exquisite, his temperament is like jade, and his magic is like demon.

He is so noble and gorgeous, clearly elegant, as if not stained with the atmosphere of the world, but also has a breathtaking shock beauty.

This man is so beautiful that people can't breathe.

Although his beauty shocked her.

But the moment yunbixue saw this person, she felt a little headache, because there seemed to be some light and shadow in her mind.

When yunbixue was in a trance, Xie limo had already pushed the chair over.

He came to the bedside, looked at the cloud blue snow, soft and clean mouth way: "you wake up, can have what discomfort?"

Yunbixue watched him approach and suffocated.

This man is so magical.

Instead of answering his question directly, she said, "excuse me, this is the Xie family. Are you Mr. Xie?"

In fact, yunbixue looked at such a beautiful man, probably also guessed his identity.

Xie limo nodded to Yun bixue, "after you fainted on the road, they sent you here. Are you better now? Cough... "

Xie limo greets Yun bixue. It is obvious that he is weak. After a while, he coughs.

Listen to Xie limo's cough, yunbixue will know his physical condition.


PS: (recommend my new book "the magic doctor's young grandmother is white again"

female favorite wenha