Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 58

If Xie limo had told yunbixue earlier, yunbixue would have made some preparations in advance.

She might have prepared some cakes and drinks.

According to her modern customs.

In fact, Xie limo doesn't want yunbixue to work so much.

He just wanted to bring yunbixue to meet his parents.

He thought that if his parents knew that yunbixue was coming, they would be very happy.

If parents are still alive and see yunbixue, they will love yunbixue and be happy for him.

Thinking of these, Xie limo clenched yunbixue's hand harder.

As if holding yunbixue's hand like this, he could feel the power himself.

In a beautiful place in the valley, Xie limo built a tombstone for his parents.

Xie limo walks over with Yun bixue. Then Xie limo tells his parents that he brought his wife to see them.

Let parents rest assured that he now has a home, with a wife, he will treat yunbixue well.

Listen to Xie limo seriously say these words, cloud Bi snow heart is also touched.

Cloud Bi snow also serious mouth way: "father, mother, I will also treat Xie limo well!"

Yunbixue also sincerely wants to treat Xie limo well.

She loves Xie limo's previous sufferings, so she wants to be good to Xie limo.

Yunbixue knelt in front of Xie limo's parents' monument and said it.

Hearing yunbixue calling her father and mother, Xie limo was even more moved.

He looked at yunbixue deeply and said: "snow, thank you!"

"Fool, we are a family, don't say thank you!" Such words used to be said to her by Xie limo, but now they are said by her to Xie limo.


When I went back, it was already late and it was evening.

Xie Yun clothes store people back excited to report to yunbixue, said today's clothes are hot, almost all the clothes in the store have been ordered.

There are also many people who have ordered a lot of styles and numbers of clothes.

And the income is very good.

A day's turnover is an amazing amount.

Yunbixue knew that the clothing store would be very popular, but she didn't expect it to be popular in Chengdu.

In fact, many women in other parts of the dynasty also came to see them when they advertised clothes before yunbixue.

So the sales of clothes are amazing.

Yunbixue was shocked and then laughed.

She was really happy.

"Li Mo, do you hear me?"

There are happy things, yunbixue also wants to share with Xie limo.

Xie limo naturally heard it and felt the good mood of yunbixue.

He reached out and stroked the cloud blue snow's hair, "fool, I naturally heard it!"

For Xie limo, yunbixue is happy, he is also happy.

Yunbixue knows that she won't worry about the clothes store in the future. According to this popularity, the business income of the store will be very good.

She just needs to design a new style every once in a while.

It's easy for her to design clothes, and she will design them soon.

However, there is an idea in yunbixue's mind before. She is ready to discuss with Xie limo at night, holding Xie limo's hand.

"Is there anything a Xue wants to say?"

"Li Mo, I want to open a shop, which is a kind of stage drama shop. I want to write scripts for everyone to act out. In this way, people in the north also have some forms of entertainment. Everyone can watch this kind of drama, and also transfer some positive energy to help people think."