Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 57

When Xie limo looks at the clouds and the snow, the tenderness of his eyes can really melt a person's heart.

At the sight of Xie limo, a pair of Xie limo's eyes, yunbixue, the whole person's breath has changed.

When yunbixue faces Xie limo, her fierce breath becomes soft.

A pair of Xie Li Mo, she couldn't help laughing, eyebrows and eyes are involuntarily with a smile.

Yunbixue nodded to Xie limo, "well, I'll be in a good mood when I see you. Naturally, I'm not angry. Let's go to other places to have a look!"

Yunbixue still listens to Xie limo.

She could feel that Xie limo was worried about her.

In fact, she is not angry. She just looks at these people in a bad mood.

One by one, they really thought they were something.

All of them can't be compared with her sherimort.

Looking at Xie limo, yunbixue is more cherished.

And when yunbixue talks to Xie limo, they are all clever.

Such clouds and snow, the whole body is exuding incomparable charm, more amazing.

It can be said that this kind of cloud and snow is really something we have never seen before.

Everyone can see that yunbixue is for Xie limo to become so gentle.

They can see that the light in the eyes of Xie limo and Yun bixue, that kind of feelings, are real, can't deceive others.

We don't know what it's like in our hearts at this time.

Before they could say anything more, Xie limo had left with yunbixue on horseback.

Bai LiXiao's face was very pale. He really felt that he was beaten in the face.

Although yunbixue didn't say anything, bailixiao's face had a burning feeling.

The faces of several childe brothers are not much better.

Because when they were in the Imperial City, they also laughed at yunbixue.

They all said that she was a dandy, and even despised her. They thought that she just had the title of princess.

And at that time, the emperor chose his son-in-law for the princess. They all ran faster than anything.

At that time, we knew that yunbixue had chosen Xie limo, and everyone laughed behind his back.

But I didn't expect that now it's them who beat themselves in the face.

The princess was not what they had been told, nor was it what they had thought.

She is so dazzling and confident, so beautiful.

Especially when she looked at Xie limo tenderly, her whole body seemed to emit a moving light.

That kind of light is really dazzling and charming.

And she's very articulate.

Several of them looked at each other, not knowing what to say or do.

"Well, are we going back to the imperial city?"

They are a little embarrassed. Now they don't know if they want to have a look on the busy streets of Beidi and see Xie Yunlou.

Bai LiXiao said stiffly, "go and have a look!"

At this time, Baili Xiao still didn't give up and didn't believe that Xie Yunlou was like the rumor.

Several childe brothers were headed by Baili Xiao. Listening to Baili Xiao's words, they rode to the busy street of Beidi.

At this time, yunbixue followed Xie limo to the other side of the mountain and valley.

Xie limo took her to pay homage to his parents.

As soon as we got to the place, yunbixue's look became serious.

She got out of the carriage and picked a lot of flowers on the roadside to make a wreath.