Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 54

Yunbixue leans in Xie limo's arms and smells Xie limo's breath. There is a sense of satisfaction in her heart.

Yun Bi Xue felt that Xie Limo's breath was so elegant and pleasant that it was the breath of nature on his body. It was clean and refreshing, with a subtle fragrance but not the smell of perfume.

Yunbixue likes to smell the breath of Xie limo. She leans on Xie limo's arms, almost greedily smelling it.

Yunbixue didn't find out. She was leaning against Xie limo's arms, just like a kitten.

Looking at the cloud and snow in his arms, Xie limo seemed to be amused.

Xie limo's chest vibrated slightly, and some of them laughed.

Hearing Xie limo's laughter, yunbixue was surprised.

Yunbixue looked up at Xie limo and saw the smile on his face, which made her feel like she was falling into the city.

The clouds and the snow were all amazed.

She couldn't help reaching out and touching Xie limo's cheek.

I think Xie limo is so good-looking when he smiles.

On weekdays, he is also a shallow smile, rarely such a hearty laugh.

Looking at Xie Li Mo smiling, Yunbi snow can feel Xie Li Mo's mood should be very good.

Cloud Bi snow also couldn't help laughing, the corner of the mouth slightly Yang up.

"Li Mo, it's nice to see you smile. You should smile more!"

The expression on Xie Li Mo's face is slightly astringent, his eyes are deep looking at cloud blue snow.

At this time, Xie limo's eyes seemed to have a whirlpool, with magic, to swallow the cloud and snow.

Then the light in Xie Li Mo's eyes flashed and said, "does a Xue want to ride a horse?"

A listen to this sentence, cloud Bi snow eyes a bright, "riding?"

"Well, next is the path. It's not easy for the carriage to pass. Let the carriage stop here. I'll take you there on horseback."

Yunbixue nodded without hesitation, "OK!"

Said to be riding, is actually Xie limo riding, yunbixue on the horse against Xie limo's arms looking at the scenery.

She found that the scenery here is really beautiful, beautiful scenery, the air is very good.

In modern times, few people in high-rise buildings can breathe such fresh air.

And looking up at the sky, all found that the blue sky is so blue.

Looking at the blue sky and white clouds, looking at the flowers and trees, smelling the fresh air, the clouds and snow have a feeling of happy mood.

Yunbixue can't help singing.

"With a smile from the sea, the tide is surging on both sides of the Strait..."

Yunbixue sang such a heroic song, and her voice quality is good, singing songs, is very good.

Xie limo was surprised to hear Yun bixue singing.

He never knew that yunbixue could sing.

But at this time Xie limo also reluctant to disturb yunbixue, so quietly listening, listening to her singing.

Xie limo knew that this kind of cloud and snow belonged to him.

Xie limo gently circled yunbixue's waist, although the action was gentle, but this kind of action was also overbearing.

It's just that yunbixue is busy enjoying the scenery and doesn't know.

After singing a song, yunbixue can't help but turn back and ask Xie limo, "how about my singing?"

Xie limo stretched out a hand to rub yunbixue's hair and said, "well, it's very nice. I've never heard such a song."

There is a very heroic feeling.

It's a feeling of holding a sword to the end of the world.

Yunbixue explained: "Li Mo, in fact, there are many beautiful sceneries in this continent. I think we can visit the sceneries when we have time."