Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 53

Hearing these words, yunbixue's mind followed a coagulation, and yunbixue's eyes twinkled.

She looked at Xie limo with worried eyes.

Yunbixue is worried about Xie limo from the heart, worried about Xie limo's mood.

After all, it's about Xie limo's parents.

I heard that when he was seventeen years old, his parents went.

We can imagine how Xie limo would feel at that time.

And at that time, Xie limo was seriously injured, and everything of Xie family was on Xie limo.

Yunbixue didn't even know how Xie limo came over at that time.

At the thought of Xie limo's appearance at that time and his possible mood, yunbixue is distressed.

Yunbixue can't help but feel sorry for Xie limo.

And when yunbixue looks at Xie limo, her eyes are shining with heartache.

Xie limo's mind moved to the eyes like cloud and snow.

He understood yunbixue's eyes, and his eyes softened suddenly. He reached out and held yunbixue's hand. He said in a warm voice: "snow, don't worry, I'm ok."

"Did you suffer a lot when you were young?"

"It's all over. Now you're here. It's not bitter!"

It's yunbixue who gives him warmth and gives his heart a sense of sureness, so he can look down on the past.

It's also the arrival of yunbixue that makes him better, makes him feel at home, and makes him no longer lonely.

In the past, Xie limo's heart was lonely and lonely. Since he had yunbixue by his side, Xie limo never felt that way again.

So Xie limo seems gentle, but in fact, he has a strong possessive desire for yunbixue.

It's just that he didn't show it himself. He was afraid that if he showed that emotion, it would frighten yunbixue.

What yunbixue likes is what he shows.

But in fact, in the face of cloud and snow, Xie limo always can't help being gentle and spoiling.

I just want to love yunbixue.

Hear just Xie Li Mo this words, cloud Bi snow nose all have some sour feeling.

Yunbixue takes her hand out of Xie limo's hand, and then reaches out her hand to hold Xie limo directly, making herself lean on Xie limo's arms.

Relying on Xie limo's arms, deeply breathing Xie limo's breath, yunbixue has a sense of peace of mind.

She almost cried just now.

She is not so sentimental person, just can't help but love Xie limo.

Xie limo also stretched out his hand to hold yunbixue, stretched out his hand to line Xie limo's back gently, and moved very gently.

"Good boy

Xie limo is not very deceptive, but he has enough patience with yunbixue.

"Li Mo, I will accompany you in the future. No one can make you work hard!"

Yunbixue is domineering in her heart. She is reluctant to let Xie limo work hard.

Xie Li Mo heard cloud blue snow this sentence, also couldn't help laughing.

His heart also has a very warm feeling, there is a warm current gurgling.

"Well, a Xue should remember what she said and stay with me all the time!"

"Well, of course, I remember that everything I said was true!" When yunbixue said this, her voice was firm.

How she is willing to leave Xie limo, how she is willing to hurt Xie limo.

When Xie Li Mo looks down at the cloud blue snow, his eyes are also gentle. When he looks down, the light in his eyes is also gentle like water!