Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 55

Listening to yunbixue's words, Xie limo nodded gently, "OK, you can do whatever you say!"

For Xie limo, as long as the clouds and snow are around, no matter what.

As long as yunbixue is happy, she can do whatever she says.

Yunbixue listen to Xie limo this sentence, can feel his words in the thick doting feeling.

Yunbixue is in a good mood and continues to sing.

"Sunshine always comes after the wind and rain..."

Yunbixue is singing. The beautiful songs of yunbixue are heard in the quiet mountains.

The sound is very nice, and it's a song that can't be heard in this era. It has a unique style, so people can't help but stop to listen to it.

Of course, at this time, yunbixue did not know that there were people in the mountain forest.

There is a carriage not far away, a carriage from the imperial city.

Yunbixue didn't know that the riders were bailixiao.

Although they come to the north to have a look, they can also be regarded as tourists.

A few CHILDES had a good time.

Although I came to the north to see if the princess was like the rumor.

But in fact, they don't believe that the princess can be so intelligent.

They all thought it was Xie limo who arranged it, and they all thought it was Xie limo who had an expert behind him.

Otherwise, how can Xie limo trust the industry to the princess to take care of it.

When they were riding on the road in the mountains, they heard such a beautiful voice.

They can't help but get off the horse and listen carefully.

A young master could not help saying, "brother Baili, do you think this voice is very familiar?"

"Yes, how can this woman's voice be so familiar? Who is singing such a beautiful song?"

"The spirit of the mountains?"

"Or the goblins in the woods."

"Ha ha, if it really is, then we should be able to see beautiful elves!"

Bai LiXiao was also immersed in the singing at the beginning, and some of them didn't come back.

Listening to the words of several people, he looked a little moved, and he really felt that his voice was a little familiar.

He didn't seem to remember exactly where he heard it.

The sound is getting closer.

Bai LiXiao's brain was shining, and he thought of what it was.

Bailixiao thought of it, as if it was very similar to the voice of the princess!

But how!

How can the princess sing!

And it's still such a beautiful song.

Bai LiXiao didn't believe it.

It's just that his face has changed.

Bai LiXiao's mood at this time was somewhat complicated.

When Xie limo and Yun bixue rode over, they also saw Bai LiXiao and his party.

When they saw Xie limo and Yun bixue, they were also shocked.

They were all taken aback.

"You Are you a princess

Although yunbixue is thinner now, she can still see her original appearance, but she is more confident, more beautiful and more dazzling.

That's why we were so surprised to see such a cloud and snow.

When yunbixue saw this man, she had no impression.

Xie limo looks down at yunbixue. When he sees yunbixue blinking strange eyes and looking at these people in front of him, Xie limo smiles gently, and then explains to yunbixue: "this is the young master of Ximen family in the Imperial City, and those are also the young masters of the major families in the Imperial City, and they are also the heirs of the family!"

Hearing Xie limo's words, Yun bixue suddenly realized, "I'm not a princess now. Please call me Mrs. Xie Shao!"