Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 52

Xie limo reaches out his hand to Yun bixue and arranges the hair around her face. The action is very gentle, and there is a look of love and doting in her eyes.

Cloud Bi snow a pair of Xie Li Mo look, forget breathing, forget reaction.

She only felt that Xie limo's eyes were magical, and she didn't know how to react to them.

She felt palpitations.

It's a feeling of love.

On Xie Li Mo's eyes, she felt her whole body warm up.

"Li Li Mo.... "

Yunbi snow is only in front of Xie limo, will become the same as the little girl.

Her reactions were very lovely.

Xie limo said in a low voice: "well, I'm here!"

Only in the face of cloud and snow, Xie limo will be so gentle and smile.

Xie limo is as beautiful as poetry and painting. When he laughs, his eyes are full of charming light. He is so soft and has a feeling of bewitching people.

Yunbixue felt that she could not resist the charm of Xie limo.

Looking at him, especially at his smile, she was always amazed.

When Xie limo said these words, he looked down at yunbixue, looking at yunbixue's eyes, his mind moved.

Xie limo stretched out his hand uncontrollably, then gently held yunbixue in his arms.

Holding yunbixue in his arms, Xie limo has a sense of satisfaction in his heart.

Yunbixue leaned against Xie limo's arms, Just smelling the elegant and moving fragrance on him, had a kind of intoxication.

Her heart missed a beat and her whole body softened.

As soft as boneless, leaning against Xie limo's arms.

She also wanted to lean on Xie limo's arms, which made her feel particularly secure.

Yunbixue thinks that Xie limo's breath is very good.

Smelling the smell of him, she had a feeling of special peace of mind.

She couldn't help breathing deeply, breathing more of Xie limo's breath.

He is always so clean and elegant, and his smell is so good.

Yunbixue's mouth is rising.

Xie limo holding cloud blue snow, seems to think of something, bow in her ear way: "snow, I want to take you to a place!"

Xie limo's voice is deep and hoarse, with magnetism.

Just listening to Xie limo's voice, yunbixue is involuntarily intoxicated.

In fact, she likes to listen to Xie limo's voice very much. She thinks that he speaks very well.


No matter where Xie limo said to take her, she would agree.

Anyway, the store is so popular that she doesn't have to worry about anything.

Hearing that yunbixue said yes, Xie limo took her hand and took her out the back door.

Then Xie limo took yunbixue to the carriage and went to a place in the suburbs.

Yunbixue looks at the scenery outside curiously in the carriage.

Xie limo looked at yunbixue and didn't ask anything all the way. He said, "ah Xue is not curious about where I'm going to take you?"

"It's good to go anywhere, because you're here!"

Yunbixue such a sentence, let Xie limo listen to, the heart is particularly moved.

He knew that yunbixue had given him enough trust.

Xie limo rolled his throat and said, "ah Xue, I want to take you to see my parents!"

Hearing these words, yunbixue was shocked. Didn't Xie limo's parents go?

Is that what she thought?

As if knowing what yunbixue thought, Xie limo explained: "a Xue, I want to take you to pay homage to your parents!"