Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 51

"Have you found that since the princess came to Beidi, Beidi has become prosperous!"

"No, there are more people going shopping now, especially in Xieyun Lou street. There are people shuttling around every day, and there are many shops. You can buy a lot of things."

"Businessmen from all over the world will also come to visit Beidi. Xie Yunlou has opened a store in the East. It's a six story chain store. Originally, the remote area has become a prosperous area. That generation has become hot and many stores have been opened."

"In the past, people who had to wait for a long time to eat in Xieyun building didn't always get on the line. Since Xieyun building opened a six story shop, it's easier for big guys to eat in Xieyun building!"

"I've never seen a six story building. The environment inside is really good, and there are resident singers. We don't understand them. They sing very well, and we didn't hear them wrong."

"It's said that the song was composed by the princess herself. We have never admired anyone, but we have to say that we really admire the princess!"


Everyone is talking about the topic, how can't leave the princess.

Yunbixue naturally heard these words, and she was surprised.

She didn't even think that she was so popular?

She didn't think she had done anything, so she changed everyone's view on her?

Yunbixue remembered that when she was in the Imperial City, everyone said that she was a dandy and knew nothing.

At that time, in the face of that kind of gossip, yunbixue also disdained to explain.

I didn't expect that the people in Beidi were so simple. She just did something and they praised her so much.

Listen to these words, in fact, yunbixue are a little embarrassed.

This also makes yunbixue feel warm.

It makes her more energetic.

She wants to do more for Beidi.

Yunbixue is also ready to implement the idea of founding a stage club.

At that time, we will have entertainment programs when we are free. We can drink tea and watch stage plays and plays.

What's more, yunbixue is going to write some meaningful scripts for us to learn from.

Not long after yunbixue came to the clothes store, Xie limo came in through the back door.

See Xie Li Mo, cloud Bi snow in front of a bright, "how did you come?"

Xie limo smiles gently to yunbixue, "come and see you!"

In fact, Xie limo is a little worried about the cloud and snow.

Do not know why, cloud Bi snow is not in his sight, he will be anxious.

Maybe it's too concerned and nervous.

And Xie limo is also afraid that if it opens on the first day, yunbixue will be tired.

But now he is relieved to see that yunbixue is well.

Yunbixue listens to Xie limo's words and looks at him. She is touched in her heart.

There is a person so concerned about her, her heart is really warm.

She did not belong to this era, and she was a stranger to this era.

But because of Xie limo, she has a sense of belonging to this era. She doesn't feel strange or lonely.

Every day, Xie limo cares about her, loves her and dotes on her.

Xie limo's temper is really good. He will support whatever she wants to do.

"Don't worry, I'm not tired. I can see below here on the third floor, and I can hear what you say. I'm very happy to see that you like this clothing store!"