Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 47

In fact, what yunbixue has done has really stimulated the economy of Beidi and made Beidi prosperous gradually.

In addition, there was not enough space for the next three floors of Xie Yunlou, so Xie limo discussed with Yun bixue and bought a new piece of land to build a large Xie Yunlou restaurant, with a total of six floors.

It's like a chain restaurant.

Moreover, in this era, there are no six storey buildings, that is, three storey buildings at most. Yunbixue applied modern technology to ancient times and directly built a six storey building, which has completely become a landmark building of this era.

Many people go to the sixth floor of the restaurant even if they don't go to eat. They can really see the whole street view outside.

Cloud Bi snow in the north of things, later also spread to the emperor's ears.

When the emperor went to court, he was very happy. He was proud of his daughter.

Who said that his daughter is a straw bag, his daughter is so smart!

The emperor never doubted how his daughter was. After all, yunbixue's mother was the queen. She was very intelligent at the beginning and knew many things that others didn't know.

So the emperor thought that yunbixue's intelligence was born.

The ministers in the court are all human spirits. Knowing that the emperor is in a good mood recently, it's probably related to the princess.

So we all know how to flatter the emperor, we seize the opportunity to praise the princess in front of the emperor.

Straight Princess boast, the emperor is very useful, the mood is very good.


At this time of the teahouse, several CHILDES heard the people's discussion, some looked at each other.

Or, you can't believe it.

Especially listening to the public discussion, we all doubt that it is a princess?

Is it Princess yunbixue?

At the beginning, the princess was a dandy and knew nothing. How could she know so much now?

But if it's not the princess, it doesn't make sense.

After all, Xie's family did decline, but after Princess yunbixue left, Xie's family began to recover its prosperity.

Several young masters looked at Baili Xiao, "brother Baili, what do you think? How can the princess know so much? Is it because she deliberately conceals herself? "

"Yes, brother Baili, the princess was infatuated with you at the beginning. You should know what she was like best, but the queen was so smart that she was not a straw bag..."

"Yes, if it was really a straw bag, Xie limo would not agree to the emperor's marriage."

People are talking about it.

Bai LiXiao's look was actually a little complicated.

At the beginning, he only thought that the princess was a dandy. In fact, he also listened to the rumors. He didn't really know the princess at all.

I didn't pay too much attention to the princess.

At this time, listening to people say how smart the princess is, he was not happy.

Especially this one by one also asked him, let him how to answer!

But he didn't believe how a straw bag Princess knew so much.

Looking at Bai Li Xiao's silence, a young man beside him said: "brother Bai Li, I heard Xie Li Mo say that the rumor is not credible. I heard that when the emperor wanted to marry Xie Li Mo and the princess, the princess specially asked Xie Li Mo a word. Xie Li Mo said that the rumor is not credible. The princess doesn't mind his body. How can he mind the princess?"

"Now it seems that Xie limo is smart, and his reputation was excellent when he was young!"