Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 46

"Isn't the Xie family going to decline? How did you suddenly get better? "

"quietly told you, this is the Royal Highness's credit, I heard what our princess can do, is not a grass bag and dude, I heard that the decoration of Xie Yun Lou was designed by the princess herself, even those dishes were written by the princess."

"The princess? It's a straw princess. Nothing will happen. "

"It's all rumours. The princess is also a brilliant figure, that is, Xie Shaohui knows the Pearl with her eyes. "

" it makes sense to say that although Xie Shao was in the north, he was also extremely talented at the beginning. It was said that he had the title of the first childe in the north. But for his weak body, the Xie family would not have declined. "

"In a whisper, Xie Shao's body is much better now. It's said that the princess made the medicine for him to take care of his body. Some people have specially seen the princess go to get the medicine."

"What, princess, even this?"

"The princess will have many things, but you don't know it. The princess is a legendary figure in the north. It's said that she's thin now, and she's beautiful!"

"Thin down?"

"Of course, some people have seen today's princess. It's really beautiful and not fat at all. They all think the rumors about the imperial city are false, but the princess was fat before."

"Can't it be the hard life in Beidi that makes the princess thin?"

"What? Xie Shao treats the princess as a treasure. Who doesn't know how precious she is now? People in Xie's family see her, and people in the North know that they have seen her. No matter where she goes, Xie Shao always holds the princess's hand. When she dismounts, she carefully supports the princess and treats her like a pearl ……”


People in the teahouse are constantly discussing these.

The discussion is so hot that Xie Yunlou is very famous.

No matter what era, people are very keen on food, especially Xie Yunlou's food is so much, and there are all kinds of drinks.

And many drinks are the kind of sweet drinks, just like drinks, very popular with girls.

So when many people go to Beidi, they go to Xieyun Lou to buy some drinks and desserts to bring something to their families.

Some people go to Xieyun building in Beidi to buy these.

As a result, the barren land in the North has gradually become prosperous.

In particular, the area around Xie Yunlou has become a golden area.

The flow of customers around the shops has also been brought up, and the business has also been booming.

And in the north, the reputation of Princess yunbixue became very good, not the reputation of the imperial city.

Because every once in a while, yunbixue will make some desserts with different flavors, or put some drinks with different flavors into the restaurant.

We like that kind of wine and drink, like that kind of dessert, naturally we are more in pursuit of yunbixue.

In many people's eyes, the princess is so approachable, understand so much, very adored.

The people in the North treat the princess as an idol.

Because we all know that after the princess came to Beidi, the economy of Beidi has really improved, and everyone's business has improved.

Moreover, the clothing stores and restaurants run by the princess are so popular that they drive the surrounding industries and enable many people to find jobs.