Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 48

Xie limo's talent, ability and demeanor when he was young were really famous in the whole dynasty.

Before, sherimort was very popular throughout the dynasty.

Some girls go to Beidi to see Xie limo.

But later Xie limo was seriously injured and became weak. Some people said that he could not live for more than a year. After that, Xie's family declined, and everyone gradually forgot Xie limo.

But because Princess yunbixue went to the north, the Xie family's Xie Yunlou became hot, which made people pay more attention to the Xie family and think of Xie shaolai again.

Now whether Xie limo or Yun bixue, they are very famous in the whole dynasty.

And it's the kind of celebrity that has a great reputation.

When we talk about two people, we feel that they are full of praise.

Now people in the dynasty worship Xie limo and Yun bixue very much.

In particular, many people in the imperial city used to talk about yunbixue, which is also a kind of dandy princess.

Now everyone is beginning to doubt whether they were too much of a person before?

Bai LiXiao naturally knew the changes in the imperial city.

Now, when it comes to yunbixue, we no longer use straw bags to call her.

Bailixiao thought of the appearance of yunbixue chasing him. His mood was a little complicated, and suddenly he was also a little irritable.

Especially a few other good friends looked at him one by one, so that he did not know how to answer.

Several CHILDES looked at Bai LiXiao silent, they can't help but say: "at the beginning, the emperor was going to choose a son-in-law for the princess, we should have been more positive."

"It's a pity that you all ran so far one by one, for fear of becoming the son-in-law."

"I'm still misled by the rumor. Who knows that the princess has a gully in her heart, has great wisdom, or Xie limo has eyes!"

People can only sigh here.

After feeling for a while, one of the CHILDES said: "I suddenly want to go to Beidi to have a look. I heard that now Beidi has a new look and has become very prosperous."

"It's said that Xie Yunlou's food is really delicious. Why don't you go to Beidi to have a look and have a taste?"

In fact, although several CHILDES said so, they all knew that they wanted to see the rumored princess.

I want to know if the princess is a real straw bag.

Maybe they will know if it's true only when they really see it.

Bai LiXiao was silent and said, "it's just that Bai Li family has an estate in Beidi. I'll go and have a look!"

Although Bai LiXiao said so, several young masters also knew that Bai LiXiao also wanted to go to the north to see if it was the same as the rumor.

See if Princess yunbixue is a real straw bag?

Or the heart has a gully!

In fact, everyone is curious.


At this time, yunbixue doesn't know this. Her clothing store is almost finished and will open soon.

Before its opening, yunbixue also advertised everywhere in Beidi.

Of course, yunbixue chose several women to walk around the street in her designed clothes, which is the most effective way of advertising.

It's Xie Yun's restaurant that put advertising banners, which said Xie Yun's clothing store.

It's almost the same name as Xie Yunlou.

What yunbixue thinks is that in this case, Xie Yun will become a brand signboard in the future.

If we open all kinds of chain stores again, the effect will be very good.