Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 45

When Xie limo touched her forehead, her heart was trembling, and her heart beat faster involuntarily.

For yunbixue, Xie limo is full of magic, which makes her unable to resist.

Xie limo was still holding yunbixue's hand.

So yunbixue feel the palm is also hot.

She could feel the heat coming from sherimort's palm.

Let her hand can feel the warm temperature, this temperature seems to have passed to her heart.

Let her heart warm, the whole body also seems to have a warm.

In the face of Xie limo, yunbixue really has a warm feeling in her heart.

Yunbixue is agitated and doesn't know how to express her emotion. She also holds Xie limo's hand and smiles at him.

Since yunbixue agreed, Xie limo will be busy with the ceremony in the next few days.

Xie limo personally prepared the clothes and asked people to rebuild Xie's house.

Xie limo also took out the jewelry of Xie's family, which was left by his mother. He said it was left to his wife in the future.

Now Xie limo wants to give these to yunbixue.

Today's Xie limo to the cloud blue snow, that really is a kind of heart lung feeling.

Xie limo just wants to give the best to yunbixue.

When Xie limo is busy, yunbixue is not idle.

Yunbixue continues to be busy with the clothing store.

After she designed the design drawings, the embroidery workers began to make ready-made clothes.

Yunbixue specially let us make several numbers of clothes.

There are also many styles.

In addition, yunbixue also made several dolls, which are cartoon dolls, as decorations.

When the guests buy more clothes, they can give away the toys.

The third floor of the shop is full of clothes. The first floor is full of cheap clothes. The second floor is full of mid end clothes. The third floor is the kind of high-end clothes.

Shop decoration must be spacious and bright, and yunbixue also played the top light on the top floor, so that when guests try on clothes, the effect will be much better.

In this era, mirrors are all bronze mirrors, which are a little fuzzy. In order to create a modern mirror, yunbixue wasted a lot of effort.

But that kind of mirror was made.

It can be imagined that when the shop opens, it will still be very hot.

Restaurants that opened before are still very hot, with a lot of customers every day.

Later, they all led the food culture of this generation.

Many businessmen from all over the world have to go to Xie Yunlou for a meal when they pass by from Beidi.

Now there is a saying in Beidi, that is, if you come to Beidi, you have to go to Xieyun building to have a meal. If you don't go to Xieyun building, you don't come to Beidi.

At this time, yunbixue did not know that Xie Yunlou was very popular in the whole dynasty.

Even people in the imperial city know the popularity of Xie Yunlou.

In a teahouse in the Imperial City

several young brothers were sitting in the teahouse drinking tea, listening to the discussion of the people downstairs.

"The food of Xie Yunlou is really delicious. Needless to say, the taste is not good. The business is very hot. There are a lot of customers every day. Everyone has to go to the queue in the morning to eat delicious food in the store. Now there are more and more people."

"Is Xie Yunlou the Xie family restaurant that was going to close down before?"

"No, it's the Xie family. Now Xie Yunlou is booming, and the Xie family is getting better."