Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 44

At that time, the Xie family was very powerful, and no one dared to provoke them, and no one knew Xie limo's Kung Fu.

But later Xie's family was calculated that Xie limo's parents went unexpectedly. Even he was seriously injured, and he was medicated. He was in poor health all the time. He thought he might die, but he didn't expect that when he met Yun bixue, his health was completely improved.

After the body is good, Xie limo naturally wants to hold on to yunbixue tightly.

When he finished that sentence, Xie limo also held Yun bixue's hand tightly, looked into her eyes, as if through her eyes to see his heart.

Just thanks a word of Li Mo, let cloud blue snow whole body mercilessly one palpitation.

She could feel that Xie limo was very serious when he said this.

Just looking at Xie limo's eyes, yunbixue can feel it.

"Do Is there a ceremony? "

Xie limo nodded, "ah Xue, I want you to be my real wife!"

That's what Xie limo thought in his heart.

When he spoke, there was a dark light in his eyes, like a whirlpool, as if with magic.

There are also some feelings that Xie Li Mo once suppressed. At this time, Xie Li Mo showed them in his eyes, and let yunbixue see them.

Such a deep light, as if the flood discharge, to the cloud and snow to all submerged.

Looking at the cloud Bi snow don't speak, Xie Li Mo is actually still nervous, "snow, do you want to?"

Xie limo such a sentence, suddenly let cloud blue snow back to God.

Yunbixue face slightly hot feeling, she in Xie limo eyes, gently nodded.

In fact, such a question, Xie limo do not have to ask her, she first came to the north, let her father emperor decree, she is willing to.

Otherwise, she would not have run so far to the north.

Seeing yunbixue nodding, a light flashed in Xie limo's eyes. The light in his eyes was so bright and beautiful.

Xie limo is as beautiful as poetry and painting. When he smiles and his eyes are shining, it gives people a feeling of collecting all the splendor of heaven and earth.

Yunbixue was surprised to forget to breathe.

Every time Xie limo releases his charm, every time he smiles, yunbixue feels that she can't resist.

Yunbixue's heart beat a little fast, and there was a feeling of being fascinated.

Xie limo's heart is also excited. He holds yunbixue's hand firmly, "snow, thank you!"

Thank you. She was willing from the beginning.

Although both of them didn't say thank you, Xie limo didn't know what to say to express his inner emotion.

Even yunbixue's mood is agitated.

Yunbixue seems to have a lot to say to Xie limo, but she doesn't know what to say.

I feel a little agitated at this time, many words can not express her emotion at the moment.

"Li Mo, thank you, too!"

At this time, the eyes of yunbixue are also with brilliant light, and the corners of her mouth raise a sweet smile.

Xie limo looked at the cloud and snow, and his heart became very soft.

He gently looked at yunbixue and touched her hair, "fool!"

When he said these two words, Xie limo had a look of pity.

Stroking yunbixue's hair, Xie limo lowers his head and kisses yunbixue's forehead.

Xie limo's movements are very light and soft.

When dealing with yunbixue, he really treated her with a kind of cherished heart.