Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 43

When he said this, Xie limo looked very serious.

His eyes seem to have magic power, which can penetrate the eyes and heart of yunbixue.

Cloud Bi snow listen to Xie Li Mo such a words, then to his eyes, her heart all followed the hard palpitation.

In fact, she also has this feeling, and this feeling is very strong.

She thought she was thinking too much.

But at this time, looking at Xie limo and listening to his words, yunbixue also pondered.

After a while, yunbixue pursed her lips and said, "Li Mo, I always feel that I forgot something, but I can't remember. Maybe what you said is right. Is the person I forgot related to you? In fact Actually... "

When yunbixue wants to talk to Xie limo, in fact, it's not very nice, and her face is slightly red.

But when she looked into Xie limo's eyes, she found that Xie limo was looking at her with encouraging and tolerant eyes.

So gentle doting eyes, let yunbixue mind move.

Xie limo seemed to tell her with silent eyes that he was willing to listen to and tolerate her whatever she said.

Then yunbixue took a deep breath and said, "when I was in the Imperial City, my father showed me a pile of portraits, but I didn't go to see them. At that time, I didn't want to see them. It wasn't because of Baili Xiao. But when my father mentioned your name, it was just Xie limo, which made me feel excited.

This name seems to be engraved into my soul. I want to come to Beidi. Even if my father didn't agree at the beginning, I would insist on it. "

It's the first time that Xie limo has heard such words from Yun bixue.

For him, it's really like a confession.

Such words touched Xie limo's heart.

Xie limo looked at Yun bixue's eyes deeper, and his throat rolled, "ah Xue..."

Cloud Bi snow to Xie Li Mo smile, "so, you just said, is also my feeling, we may really have a lot of past before, just forget, I always feel forget something, but I can't think of it for a moment."

Xie limo reached out to hold yunbixue's hand, "don't think about it if you can't remember. As long as we are together, we can have more memories."

"Well!" Cloud Bi snow also hard nod.

As if thinking of something, Xie limo said: "ah Xue, let's hold a ceremony!"

Xie limo actually has this idea all the time. Although he has the emperor's imperial edict, he still wants to have a ceremony with yunbixue for them to make yunbixue his wife.

Xie limo was not in good health before, and he didn't dare to think about it. He was also worried that it would delay yunbixue.

In fact, there was a contradiction in his mind.

But now he can feel that his health is much better, he no longer has a cough, the whole person also has the spirit.

And he can sleep all night.

His martial arts, which had been suppressed because of his poor health, also recovered at this time.

Xie limo himself can feel the recovery of some internal power.

When Xie limo was young, he didn't have any physical problems. At that time, he was a versatile man.

No one else knows his martial arts.

Moreover, Xie limo is usually introverted in looks and emotions, giving people a mysterious feeling.