Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 42

Xie limo thought of these two words at this time, his head was very confused, and there were a lot of light and shadow in his mind.

But the light and shadow were so fast that Xie could not remember anything at all.

There was a feeling that he had forgotten something.

Did he forget something about yunbixue?

If so, Xie limo is not surprised.

Because when he first saw the cloud and snow, he actually had a sense of familiarity.

When he gets along with yunbixue, he also feels familiar in his heart, as if he is familiar with the deep soul.

Xie limo looks at the cloud blue snow at this time, and his heart has a feeling of agitation. Many lights and shadows flash in his mind, but he can't think of it.

I have a headache.

"Snow, if I forget, I'm sorry."

"Li Mo, we don't say I'm sorry. I know you just forgot for a while. You'll definitely remember."

At this time, Xie limo suddenly woke up.

After waking up, Xie limo's forehead was sweating.

He sat on the bed, thinking, but couldn't sleep.

After he fell asleep, he remembered what he saw and dreamed.


Did he forget?

After waking up, Xie limo couldn't sleep, thinking about these things in his mind.

Thinking, he and yunbixue once really knew each other?

In modern times, in the nine realms?

But at this time, he can't remember anything.

But even if it is not remember what memory, Xie limo also want to hold cloud bixue firmly, want to let her stay in his side.

Xie Li Mo's heart is such a feeling.

After putting on his coat, Xie limo stood by the window and looked at the night scene outside. He stood there quietly, and the moonlight fell on him, making his whole body full of moonlight.

Even now, as a mortal, Xie limo has a kind of immortal spirit.

Especially when the wind blows, his whole body seems to fly away by the wind.

Xie limo is meditating, his mind is all about the cloud and snow.

He could feel that he might have really forgotten something.

On the other side, yunbixue has a good night's sleep.

When having breakfast the next day, yunbixue looks at Xie limo, and can clearly see that Xie limo looks a little haggard, as if she didn't sleep well.

Yunbixue some worry, "Li Mo, you didn't rest last night?"

Yunbixue has been taking care of Xie limo's health, worried that Xie limo's rest is not good and his health is not good.

At the sight of his haggard face, yunbixue was also a little nervous.

Xie limo deeply looked at yunbixue, and then gave her a gentle smile, "no, I had a good rest."

Cloud blue snow Du Du mouth way: "you have what worry is hidden in the heart, do not say."

Yunbixue can clearly feel that Xie limo has something on his mind.

Cloud blue snow Du mouth appearance, in Xie Li Mo seems to be so lovely.

Seeing the look of cloud and snow, Xie Li Mo could not help laughing.

Xie Li Mo can't help but reach out and gently pinch yunbixue's cheek. With compassion, he said in a warm voice: "it's also about you to have something on your mind!"

"Ah, it's about me?" Cloud Bi snow surprised looking at Xie Li Mo, some don't understand.

Xie limo looked at yunbixue deeply and said, "a Xue, do you think we have known each other for a long time? Maybe we have a lot of past, but we forget it."