Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 41

At this time, yunbixue doesn't know. Xie limo's worry is related to her. He is also too concerned about her.

But this kind of thought, Xie limo also does not know how to say with cloud bixue.

Of course, such a mind, Xie limo is also unable to say with cloud bixue.

Xie limo pressed down the dark mood in his heart, and his face returned to normal, and he was as warm as jade.

He doesn't want to let yunbixue know his dark side, and doesn't want to scare yunbixue.

"Ah Xue, it's OK. You're so busy. I'm afraid you're tired."

Cloud Bi snow to Xie Li Mo brilliant smile, "really won't tired!"

In fact, for Yun bixue, she also has a sense of accomplishment in her heart to give full play to her wisdom in this era.

She felt that she could bring her abilities into full play.

Moreover, yunbixue really wants to help Xie limo.

She said at the beginning that she wanted to help Xie limo revive the Xie family.

Xie Li Mo sighed in his heart, then reached out and stroked yunbixue's hair, saying nothing.

Yunbixue thinks Xie limo is worried, but she can't see anything.

Yunbixue blinked and looked at Xie limo, thinking that maybe she thought too much.

Yunbixue is the kind of person who will not think much if she can't figure it out.

And some things, she is also embarrassed to ask Xie limo.

Just as Xie limo respects her, she respects Xie limo.

Yunbixue wants to create the clothing brand of this era, which belongs to Xie family.

After the brand is established, the Xie family will have a real foundation industry, and there will be no need to worry about anything in the future.

Just like many high-end brands in modern times, after they are created, the clothing is really a high-end brand.

Yunbixue wants to create brand clothing. Of course, there are civilian clothing under brand clothing.

However, high-end clothing still needs to be available and can be customized.

In yunbixue busy time, Xie limo mind has always been that sentence she said.

All day long, Xie limo's heart was heavy.

When he went to bed at night, Xie limo was also very restless.

When he fell asleep, there was a mist in front of Xie limo's eyes, a white mist, and there was a voice calling him in his ear.

"Li Mo, Li mo..."

Someone is calling him.

This voice is so familiar to him, as if it is a voice integrated into the bone.

Xie limo can't help but flash the word a Xue in his mind.

In the mind also is the cloud blue snow appearance.

But when he went through the fog, he saw the clouds and snow, but it was clear and bright.

This look of her, and he is familiar with the appearance of yunbixue is similar, but this time she is thinner and more beautiful.

"Snow, is that you?"

"It's me, limo. Have you forgotten what happened between us?" Yunbixue stood in front of Xie limo and asked him.

"We, how can I forget!" Xie limo instinctively answered such a sentence. He thought that since Yun bixue came to Xie's house as a princess, he had not forgotten every bit of their relationship.

Yunbixue shook her head to him, "no, Li Mo, do you remember everything we had in modern times? Do you remember our life on the nine fold

Modern? The nine realms?

Listening to these two words, Xie limo felt very strange.