Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 40

Yunbixue didn't know that Xie limo was shocked when he heard this.

Because what yunbixue said is, this era!

Xie limo is a man of great wisdom, with a deep heart. Yun bixue's words make him seem to understand something.

After understanding, Xie limo's heart all followed.

It is obvious that Xie limo is nervous.

But this kind of nervous mood, Xie limo did not let yunbixue feel.

This era?

In other words, yunbixue is probably not a person of this era?

Xie limo is not an old-fashioned person. He knows that there are many mysterious things in the world.

And he's seen it himself.

In fact, before that, he wondered why yunbixue was so different from the rumor. She was not only not a straw bag, but also had a deep heart. She knew so much, and many things were very different from this era.

It's like she's not from the world.

Before, Xie limo just had such a guess in his heart, just a guess, but he was not sure.

And Xie limo also respects yunbixue, some things yunbixue does not want to say, Xie limo will not ask.

He hoped that yunbixue would be more relaxed in Xie's house, rather than under any pressure.

So as long as yunbixue does not say, Xie limo will not take the initiative to ask.

Yunbixue just finished that sentence, began to continue to draw the design on the paper.

When she was painting, she suddenly felt that Xie limo was a little silent. He didn't seem to speak.

Cloud Bi snow raised her head to see Xie Li Mo, just on Xie Li Mo's eyes.

There was a dark light in his eyes. There was a whirlpool in it, but the power of swallowing seemed to swallow people.

On Xie Li Mo such vision, cloud blue snow heart all mercilessly throb next.

It's magical to see such a look.

At this time, it seems that Xie limo is not the same as usual.

On weekdays, Xie limo is warm and soft, and the whole person is elegant and warm, but at this time, Xie limo has an unusual breath.

It was as if there was a smell of darkness around sherimort.

Such Xie limo, in the sense of cloud and snow, even has a kind of demagogic feeling.

Such Xie limo really made her uncontrollable heart beat faster.

Yunbixue's heart beat very fast. She pursed her lips and asked, "what's the matter with you, Li Mo?"

Hearing yunbixue's words, Xie limo suddenly returns to his senses. He slightly tilts his head and controls his mood first to cover the dark emotion in his eyes. He doesn't want yunbixue to see his dark side.

Xie limo also found that he just had a dark mood in his heart.

He just had a moment, thinking of yunbixue firmly tied to the side, even if she does not belong to this era, he will not allow her to leave.

Xie limo did not know when, yunbixue came into his heart.

Or maybe from the first time I heard her name, from the first time I saw her, it was really fast.

Before Xie limo did not believe in love at first sight, but since he saw yunbixue, he believed it.

Xie limo's throat rolled down to the clear eyes of the cloud and snow, and he wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

"Li Mo, do you have something on your mind or something to worry about?" When yunbixue asked this question, she was also thinking about what burden she could help Xie limo lighten.