Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 39

Listening to everyone's praise and exclamation in the restaurant, yunbixue felt relieved.

On this day, Xie Yunlou really started the signboard.

Not only many dishes, dishes are delicious, but also drinks are very popular, and cakes are the kind of taste that we have never eaten.

So Xie Yunlou's business is really hot.

Since the opening of Xieyun restaurant, the business in the restaurant has been very hot, and it is very hot every day. Everyone is waiting in line to enter the restaurant.

No way, Xie Yunlou restaurant people can only put a lot of chairs at the door, because everyone is really tired standing in line.

So if there are chairs to sit in line, we can be more relaxed.

So in the north, you can almost see a line of people outside the Xieyun building every day, waiting for a long line to eat in the restaurant.

It's like this almost every day, and it almost drives the flow of people around.

So all the shops around Xie Yunlou are booming.

Xie Yunlou was really popular later. When many people came to Beidi, they had to come to Xie Yunlou to have a meal.

Xie Yunlou is really hot, and the income is very high.

All of a sudden led Xie's industry.

With strong capital injection, it is much easier to operate other industries.

And after the injection of funds, Xie limo can completely reopen the shops that were closed.

And yunbixue has a lot of fantastic ideas in her mind. Every idea she has can make the shop fire.

Before, yunbixue also wanted to develop the clothing industry.

She said this idea to Xie limo, who was very supportive of Yun bixue.

Before also related shop, now Xie limo will give the shop to yunbixue to handle.

But Xie limo's heart is very contradictory and worried that he will be tired.

However, seeing that yunbixue was very interested, Xie limo wanted to spare no effort to support her.

As long as it's something yunbixue wants to do, Xie limo wants to support yunbixue.

Yunbixue is also a fashion designer.

She combines modern clothing elements with ancient clothing elements to design more beautiful clothes.

She specially transformed a big shop into a big place, and arranged dormitories and embroidery workers to live in.

Yunbixue has also specially designed a production line for such clothes.

Because it's mass production, she lets everyone take charge of a place for clothes.

In this way, everyone's embroidery is not very good, can also make clothes.

It's just a place to be proficient in clothes, such as clothes cutting, sewing and sewing. Some people are only responsible for sleeves, others are only responsible for pants

In this way, we have a clear division of labor, and the working mode of mechanical flow has greatly enhanced the work efficiency.

Yunbixue can design clothes, so when she is keen on designing clothes, she also forgets to eat and sleep.

Cloud blue snow this appearance, Xie Li Mo is really very distressed.

"Ah Xue, don't design, these are not in a hurry!" Xie limo loves yunbixue and suddenly feels that he shouldn't give the shop to yunbixue.

"Don't worry, I'm really OK. I suddenly feel that it's a very happy thing to lead the fashion trend of this era."

When yunbixue said this sentence, it was natural. What she thought in her mind came out.