Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 4

The Xie family used to be the most famous family, and also a long-standing family.

But today's Xie family can't compare with the former Xie family.

In particular, Xie limo, such a brilliant figure, is also extremely ill, which makes people feel pity.

What's more, the northern generation is very desolate, which can be compared with the prosperity of the imperial city.

It's said that the Xie family's property is gone, and it's all supported by Mr. Xie alone. It's a pity that whether he can survive such a disease is unknown.

Therefore, when the people discuss it, they all look like a pity.

everyone felt that her royal highness was stimulated and somewhat mad, leaving the Imperial City deliberately and going to the northern generation.

At this time, everyone would not think that their princess is a very capable and intelligent woman.

When she created a miracle in the north, it was a time of shock.

At this time, the people, who do not know these.


The elegant room on the second floor of the teahouse

several aristocratic CHILDES gathered together and were puzzled by the following discussion.

Before, because the emperor wanted to marry the straw bag princess, the talented and capable CHILDES of these aristocratic families ran farther than anyone else for fear that the emperor would marry them to the princess.

Who does not know that the princess fat straw bag, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting all impassable!

Now that the emperor has married the princess and Xie limo, we can rest assured and get together in the teahouse.

"Brother Baili, what do you think?"

A complicated light flashed in Bai Li Xiao's eyes. "According to the news of Bai Li family, the Emperor himself sent messengers to Xie's family to ask Xie limo's opinions. Xie limo agreed, so the emperor married him."

Hearing these words, several aristocratic CHILDES were silent.

They are the elites of the family and the heirs of the family. Naturally, they understand that this matter is a bit complicated.

Is the princess really a dandy?

Why did the emperor ask? Xie limo agreed.

Xie limo is also the son of Xie's family. He used to be a very talented person. In fact, even they admire his ability and talent.

Even if he is terminally ill, as long as it is something he is not willing to do, it is useless for others to say anything.

Even the emperor's marriage is useless.

But he agreed.

No one can guess what this means.

Because everyone knows that Xie limo is actually a person with deep and mysterious mind, his mind is the most unpredictable.

"Maybe he is really willing to marry the princess!"

"But the princess's straw bag doesn't work well in music, chess, calligraphy and painting. How can Xie limo talk to her?"


In the public discussion, time passed quickly.

A few months later, yunbixue got on the carriage to the north and was escorted to the north by the emperor's escort team.

When the carriage came out of the palace, the common people watched through the corridor.

The common people are also curious about this straw bag princess, who is very popular with the emperor.

The curtain of the sedan chair is open. Yunbixue wears a mask on her face. She greets the people gracefully and waves to them.

"Ah, the princess waved to us..."

"is the princess, the royal highness of the princess..."

"Princess your highness smiled..."

"Princess highness, though wearing a mask, always feels that her royal highness is beautiful."

"Who said that princesses are dandy? You see, princesses are so approachable..."