Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 3

Seeing these three words, yunbixue suddenly felt that her heart could beat.

There is a feeling that an empty heart can be fulfilled.

Yunbixue looks at Xie limo's three words and thinks that it has magic power. Even if it's just a name and three words, it has a fatal attraction to her.

"Father, who is he?"

The emperor suddenly saw the picture, "this is the picture put up earlier. Xie limo is the successor of the Xie family in the north. Unfortunately, now the Xie family has declined, and I heard that he was injured when he was out on business, and now he is very sick. Unfortunately, this child is a brilliant person, that hundred Li Xiaodu It can't be compared with this sherimort. "

When the emperor said these words, it was a pity.

But cloud Bi snow in the eyes but flash firm light, "father emperor, is he!"

"What are you talking about?" The emperor was shocked and couldn't believe it.

Does he feel that his daughter has been stimulated, so they are going crazy?

"Father, I told you to marry Xie limo and me, but before the marriage, you can ask someone if he is willing to marry a princess who claims to be a mess and a dandy."

"Daughter, you can..."

"Father, aren't you your favorite daughter? That's how you ask. "

At this time, the bright light of self-confidence flashed in yunbixue's eyes.

She has a medical skill in her mind, which automatically appears in her mind. She is confident that she can cure Xie limo.

But she won't talk to the outside world. Let those people continue to think that she is a straw bag!

If Xie limo didn't care about the rumors from the outside world and whether she was a straw bag, she would treat him well.

It's strange that she felt excited when she saw these three words.


No one knows what the princess of the dynasty said to her father. In a word, yunbixue finally convinced her father to send someone to ask the declining Xie family in the north.

the messenger returned and replied, "Your Majesty, Xie Gong said," if the princess does not object to his illness, he will take good care of the princess, and let her royal highness be wronged a tiny bit. "

When the messenger replied, yunbixue heard it outside the curtain.

A faint smile rose from the corner of her mouth, which was Xie limo.

Although the emperor is very reluctant to yunbixue to the north of the barren zone suffering, but can not endure yunbixue coquetry.

For this daughter, the emperor of the Northern Dynasty is a sincere pet.

I can't bear to make this daughter a little unhappy.

So the emperor ordered to get married.

When this edict spread, it also caused shock to the people of the northern imperial dynasty.

Especially the aristocratic CHILDES didn't respond.

Everyone doubted whether it was true.

The princess is not infatuated with that hundred Li Xiao?


In the teahouse, the common people are discussing this matter hotly.

"I didn't expect her royal highness to really go to that barren place."

"No, the Xie family used to be the first of the six families. Unfortunately, they are all in decline, and there is no property in the family. The Xie family is dead, and there is no property. I don't know why the princess can't think of it and go to the north for a generation."

"It's probably stimulated by the incident of Baili's resisting the edict."

"It's said that Mr. Xie is very ill. When Mr. Xie goes, the Xie family is gone."