Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 35

As long as yunbixue asked, Xie limo would answer all the questions.

Xie limo was reluctant to hide from Yun bixue.

When yunbixue heard Xie limo's explanation, a light flashed in her eyes.

Is that part of her memory really related to Xie limo?

Not only does she feel this way, but also does Xie limo feel this way?

Yunbixue blinked her eyes and said, "maybe you've cooked before!"

Xie limo heard this sentence, his mind was shocked, as if there was a clearer flash of light and shadow in his mind, "maybe!"

Maybe he did cook.

So almost every day, it's Xie limo and Yun bixue who work together to cook.

Xie limo cuts vegetables and cooks. Yun bixue arranges the herbs and puts them in the pot.

Thanks for Li Mo's help, Yunbi snow can really relax a lot.

And two people accompany cooking, accompany each other to speak together, they do not feel cooking, but feel like chatting in enjoying time.

And when yunbixue studies pastry, he will discuss with Xie limo in the kitchen.

There are also some fruit wine drinks and so on. Yunbixue also likes to discuss with Xie limo.

Xie limo can always give Yun bixue some pertinent opinions.

And in getting along, Xie limo also saw yunbixue's real ability.

Xie limo is also more and more appreciative of cloud and snow.

When looking at the clouds and snow, the light in Xie limo's eyes is so soft, and the soft water is dripping.

Sometimes when yunbixue looks up inadvertently, she has an electric shock like feeling in Xie limo's eyes.

In getting along, yunbixue also feels that her feelings for Xie limo have deepened.

In getting along, she can find that Xie limo is really good.

He is always so elegant, so careful, careful to take care of her.

The restaurant is being renovated very quickly.

Then there's the menu.

Yunbixue specially wrote a menu.

It's just that every dish in this menu is written down by Yun bixue himself.

Before the restaurant opened, yunbixue cooked many dishes in person.

Every dish, she is to do a little, and then let Xie limo help taste, see how the taste.

In Xie limo's opinion, the food made by yunbixue is delicious.

Everything tastes good.

"Is it really delicious?"

"Snow, you have to believe in yourself, such a dish out, we have never seen, nor tasted this delicious."

Xie limo doesn't know how there are so many fantastic ideas in Baiyun bixue's mind.

How can there be so many menu recipes.

And these dishes are very delicious, which he has never seen before.

And there are many condiments, Xie limo also did not know.

Before this, yunbixue specially went to the forest to pick it.

Of course, when yunbixue went to the forest, he also took Yingwei with him.

There are many condiments in the forest, all of which are found by yunbixue herself.

There are also cakes. Yunbixue has found a way to make them.

"Li Mo, how about the menu? It's all my marked prices. "

Although the restaurant is on a high-end route, yunbixue has prepared some simple dishes with cheaper prices and drinks.

The first floor is a modern restaurant. Everyone can come to eat. The second floor is the elegant room, and the third floor is more high-end.