Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 36

The menu set by yunbixue is different in price. Some are cheap and some are expensive. Even the common people can go to restaurants to consume.

Yunbixue has considered almost every aspect of the restaurant, and the whole restaurant has been reconstructed from the internal design, which makes the whole space double.

When yunbixue showed Xie limo her design drawings, Xie limo was still amazed and had a sense of surprise.

Xie limo looks at yunbixue deeply. He can't believe it. In the eyes of the world, the princess with straw bags has a gully in her heart and has so much wisdom.

Every time, yunbixue will surprise Xie limo.

When Xie limo looks at the cloud and snow, his eyes are full of light, and his appreciation is full of strong feelings.

The more they get along with each other, the better Xie limo can find yunbixue.

Her ability and her wisdom also attracted him.

Looking at yunbixue, Xie limo can feel that his heart will beat when he is still. The feeling of palpitation is too obvious.

Xie limo's eyes are also very magical.

For Xie limo's eyes, yunbixue's heart beats fast.

In fact, although yunbixue is now in Xie's house, she is Xie Shao's wife, but she has never had a real relationship with Xie limo.

Just before she was sick, when she was not feeling well, she was pestering Xie limo that night, and the two people were sleeping together.

After that, they were both in their respective rooms.

In fact, yunbixue doesn't mind, but Xie limo thinks that he always coughs in the middle of the night, and he is also afraid of disturbing yunbixue when he goes to bed.

Two people are also careful to take care of each other's feelings.

In fact, yunbixue really thinks that she and Xie limo have a lot in common.

Every time talking to Xie limo, yunbixue even has a feeling of meeting a confidant.

It makes her feel like she's talking.

She just wants to keep talking to Xie limo.

It felt like she had found a home in this world.

She thought, will heart a lot of ideas to Xie limo listen to, and Xie limo together to communicate.

And when talking to Xie limo, yunbixue has a feeling of soul vibration.

Is to get along with Xie limo every day, yunbixue has a very happy feeling, the mood will be involuntarily happy.

Xie limo listened to yunbixue talking about the design and so on, and said: "ah Xue arranged very well. I didn't expect that ah Xue knew so much!"

Yunbixue is very happy to hear Xie limo's words.

Xie limo appreciates yunbixue, but never asks about her past.

For Xie limo, no matter what yunbixue has experienced in the past, she is yunbixue. She doesn't want to talk about the past, and he won't ask.

Xie limo is very tolerant of clouds and snow.

When looking at the cloud blue snow, the eyes are also very gentle.

When yunbixue heard Xie limo's words, she wanted to tell Xie limo that she was from modern times.

But she didn't know how to explain such things to sherimort.

After thinking about it, yunbixue decided to tell Xie limo later.

Xie limo looks at yunbixue's look and knows that yunbixue also has a story.

Xie limo reached out to hold Yun bixue's hand and said, "ah Xue, I'll talk about it when I want to talk about it later."

Hearing Xie limo's words, yunbixue looked a little relaxed.

"Li Mo, I'll tell you later!"

She doesn't want to hide something from Xie limo, but she hasn't figured out how to tell Xie limo about her modern life.