Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 34

Yunbixue can still hear everyone's discussion upstairs.

Looking at the hot discussion of the restaurant, listening to what everyone said when opening to come and have a look, yunbixue is very happy.

Yunbixue's design drawing has been drawn for a long time, and then special craftsmen were found to decorate it.

What decoration is not popular in this era. Yunbixue can only supervise by herself. She participates in the decoration of any place.

If you can't buy some things, yunbixue will design them, draw design drawings, and then find special people to make them.

Although yunbixue is busy with the restaurant, she stays in the restaurant for a few hours every day. Most of the time, she is still in Xie's house.

She studied making modern cakes and preparing condiments in Xie's house.

In this era, there are no rich condiments, especially making cakes is more troublesome, because there are no machines.

So everything is yunbixue's own research.

And she also made some fruit wine, similar to drinks.

When yunbixue took over these things, she found that it was really very simple to do business in this era.

Because a lot of things are not available in this era. If she studies them, they are unique.

Yunbixue looks energetic and energetic every day.

However, no matter how busy yunbixue is, she always remembers to take care of Xie limo and make medicated food for him every day.

However, Xie limo saw that yunbixue was so busy, which was also a little distressed.

So when cooking, Xie limo also went into the kitchen to help yunbixue.

Yunbixue naturally doesn't need Xie limo to be busy in the kitchen.

Yunbixue is reluctant to let Xie limo touch her hands.

She looked at Xie limo's hand. It was as long as jade, and it was the hand playing the piano in modern times.

Looking at Xie limo's hand, yunbixue feels as delicate as a work of art.

So how can we make Xie limo cook.

But Xie limo also insisted.

When Xie limo cuts vegetables, yunbixue looks at his knife work and marvels.

She didn't expect that Xie limo's knife union was so good.

And when Xie limo cut vegetables, every move was so elegant.

The cloud Bi snow is looking at in the side, the heart all palpitates.

And I don't know why, looking at Xie limo cutting vegetables, yunbixue also has a trance feeling in her mind, as if she feels that such scenes are somewhat familiar.

But she couldn't tell how familiar she was.

I just feel that there are some lights and shadows in my mind, which are familiar.

It's like, she once saw Xie limo cooking.

In fact, not only yunbixue has such a feeling, but also Xie limo himself has such a feeling.

Xie limo always felt as if he had cooked a meal.

He would also flash some light and shadow in his mind, familiar light and shadow.

It seems that such a scene is very familiar.

And he had never cooked before, but when he really picked up the knife to cut vegetables, all the actions were natural.

"Li Mo, have you ever cooked before?" Or cloud Bi snow return to God, can't help but ask.

"I used to practice martial arts when I was in good health, but later I didn't do it any more. It's just that I didn't cook, but strangely enough, I always thought I could cook." When Xie limo talks to Yun bixue, he tells her what he thinks.