Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 33

Yingwei also knows the princess's style.

At the beginning, as the shadow guards, they also knew that the princess was not what was rumored outside.

And on the way to Beidi, they also really saw the princess's ability and organizational ability.

He said: "princess, we have collected evidence. One is the receipt of the silver note, and the other is the handwritten content of the secret recipe of the menu. You can see who did it in the handwriting."

Cloud Bi snow nodded, "you do very well, and then put this evidence in the yamen, secretly show my meaning, let the Yamen try this matter well."

Yunbixue felt for the first time that the identity of princess was really useful.

"Yes, princess, I understand!"

The next day, the Yamen sent people to arrest the two people who betrayed the restaurant. Then they arrested the housekeeper of the Jiang family and started the trial.

Many people will be watching.

Because it was yunbixue who had to deal with it, the Yamen's ability to handle affairs naturally did not dare to bias the people of the Jiang family.

Naturally, this incident also shocked many people.

The people also know the story.

"It turns out that the people of the Jiang family are despicable and shameless. They actually dig people to betray Xie Yunlou. It's really vicious."

"No, Xie's family is like that. Xie Shao is in poor health, but he supports his family. The people of Jiang's family step on it hard. It's too much."

"Hum, now it's good to punish the people of the Jiang family and the restaurants of the Jiang family. It's better not to go to Xie Yunlou to support Xie Yunlou..."


The common people are simple in character. They all sympathize with Xie Yunlou, and they sympathize with Xie limo from the heart, so they support Xie limo secretly.

But when the people went to Xieyun building, they found that Xieyun building had been closed. They just put up a sign saying that it was internal rectification and would open in a month.

There will be activities and free drinks when it opens.

Many people are excited when they see the content of the label.

In fact, such a way of promotion in modern times, is really common.

But in ancient times, in this era, there was almost no such way of sales promotion.

How can there be free drinks!

"Is that true on Xie Yunlou?"

"A month later, when the restaurant opens, there will be free drinks and snacks."

"The words of Xie's family are credible, especially Xie Shao is very honest. What Xie Shao does and what he says is true, not false."

"Yes, this is Xie Shao's Xie Yunlou, so the sign on it must have been arranged by Xie Shao, and it must be true."

"So we're still waiting for a month. Later, restaurants can have drinks and snacks for free, and we don't know what the taste is."

"It also says that there will be some new dishes. You are welcome to taste them. It also says that those dishes are on sale on the opening day."


The people were watching and discussing in front of Xie Yunlou, and they were all excited.

We are waiting for the restaurant to open in a month.


Yunbixue looks at the situation outside the building.

In fact, she let the Yamen deal with this matter, but also guessed that the people would pay attention to Xie Yunlou.

It's like an advertisement.

That's why she asked people to put up a sign in advance and write instructions.