Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 32

But at this time, Xie limo is also a little nervous, because he is also worried about yunbixue's mood.

In fact, it took a long time for yunbixue to come back and feel that her heart was beating, but it was very fast.

Yunbixue's eyelashes trembled, and then slowly opened her eyes.

After opening his eyes, yunbixue's eyes are as if with water light.

She just looked at Xie limo, forgetting her breath and reaction.

It was also after a while that yunbixue suddenly recovered, and then her face turned red.

She lowered her head, some dare not look at Xie limo's eyes.

She didn't know what Xie limo thought.

But it's not the way for two people to keep silent.

Yunbixue thought about it and said, "well, do you want to have a rest first? We can find out who betrayed the restaurant in the evening, and we can take advantage of this opportunity to clean up the restaurant and start this signboard."

When yunbixue said these things, her eyes were shining.

Xie limo looked at yunbixue's eyes and felt very attracted, as if he could feel the drive from yunbixue.

Xie limo also understood yunbixue's eyes.

He said, "I'll give you the restaurant!"

"Really?" Cloud Bi snow eyes bright looking at Xie Li Mo, the whole person is a pair of excited happy appearance.

Xie Li Mo looked at cloud blue snow so, couldn't help but smile, the corners of the mouth are slightly raised.

Xie limo nodded to yunbixue, "well, you can do as you want."

Just now yunbixue talked about the menu formula and so on, her eyes are shining.

Xie limo can naturally understand some.

Looking at Xie limo nodded, cloud blue snow eyebrows curved smile.


After two people said a conversation, Xie limo went to busy things, and yunbixue began to draw design drawings in the room.

Yes, yunbixue wants to renovate Xieyun building first.

She wants to rebuild the interior layout of the restaurant, integrate some modern elements, and let the restaurant show a tall style from the inside to the outside.

Because yunbixue is going to open a chain restaurant in the future.

She also wrote down the recipe of some menus and some pastries.

Yunbixue is written in code, so even if it is read by others, it is not understood.

She wrote these for her own convenience.

Yunbixue also believes in the ability of her subordinates.

With her, the more than ten bodyguards in Beidi were more than ten shadow guards, belonging to the Royal shadow guard level.

It was her father who gave it to her to protect her.

And I always follow her orders to do things.

The ability of these shadow guards is very strong, so yunbixue doesn't have to worry about anything at all.

That night, yunbixue received a report from Yingwei.

"Princess, we stare at the movement of the people in the restaurant, and also at the Jiang family. Then we find that the manager Lin in the restaurant colludes with chef Li to sell the menu to the people in the Jiang family, because the princess's words make them flustered. Then they go to contact the housekeeper of the Jiang family that night to ask the Jiang family to save them, and then let their subordinates catch them."

"They've got evidence of contact?"

Although yunbixue can deal with the traitor directly by her identity, she doesn't want so much. She wants to punish the traitor with evidence.

Then the rest of the people in the restaurant can be loyal to the restaurant.