Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 31

Just now Xie limo was shocked, so he didn't come back.

When yunbixue heard Xie limo say thank you again, she was elated. "The porridge I prepared for you before was all medicinal porridge, which was added with medicinal materials, just to take care of your body."

Hearing these words, Xie limo suddenly realized that he had really improved a lot recently.

Because he was in a good mood, it turned out that yunbixue gave him a medicated diet.

At this time, Xie Li Mo touched his heart and felt a burning sensation.

Originally unconsciously, yunbixue has done so much for him.

Xie limo was really moved, but he didn't know what to say to express his inner feelings.

And when he opened his mouth to say something, his throat seemed to be stuck.

Xie limo's eyes were moist.

He forced back to hold yunbixue's hand, gently cried: "snow!"

These two words seem to be the voice from Xie limo's throat.

Yunbixue can naturally see Xie limo's mood, and know that he should be very excited now.

So yunbixue to Xie limo brilliant smile, eyes are also with a soft light, "so you have to believe that your body will get better, these days I give you a part of the recuperation, and then recuperate for half a month, we use medicine bath, your body can be completely better, after will be more healthy."

Xie limo listened to these words, his eyes were still red.

His eyes are a little hot and sour.


At this time, Xie limo has too much to say to Yun bixue, but he doesn't know what to say.

Yunbixue looking at Xie limo this way, in fact, the heart is distressed, "limo, we will be good, restaurant you don't have to worry, I have a lot of menu recipes."

When he said this, yunbixue looked at Xie limo with clear and excited eyes, just like the invitation.

A faint light flashed in Xie Li Mo's gorgeous eyes.

He looked at yunbixue deeply, as if with magic in his eyes.

At this time, Xie limo has a soul stirring sense of bright and gorgeous, people can not control the amazing.

Cloud Bi snow even involuntarily immersed in the eyes of Xie limo.

Involuntarily indulging in it, the heart beat up quickly.

Two people are so serious looking at each other, the feeling in the eyes will come out.

Looking at yunbixue's stupefied appearance, Xie limo thinks that she is so good and so lovely.

Xie limo looked at yunbixue, his mind moved, and then slightly lowered his head, as if to be close to yunbixue.

The cloud Bi snow feels Xie Li Mo's approach, eyelashes quiver, involuntarily closed eyes.

Then yunbixue felt her eyelashes wet, and Xie limo's lips touched her eyes.

Yunbixue at this time the whole person is stiff, breathing has a sense of suffocation, she is nervous forget to breathe, also don't know how to react.

When Xie limo touched yunbixue's eyes, she felt that her eyelashes seemed to tremble slightly, brush his lips like a feather, and bring electric flu.

It was as if something had brushed through his heart, which made his heart tremble.

Xie Li Mo's throat rolled down, then slightly retreated.

After coming back, Xie limo was also slightly shocked.

Just now, he can't help but want to do this, and want to get close to the cloud and snow.