Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 30

Yunbixue is still very concerned about the impression and image in Xie limo's heart.

When yunbixue asked this sentence, she blinked at Xie limo, as if to see Xie limo's look and see how Xie limo would answer this sentence.

In fact, yunbixue seems indifferent, but in fact, she is nervous.

She just blinked and looked at Xie limo nervously.

In fact, Xie didn't think it was a problem at all.

But when he saw the serious look of yunbixue, he sighed helplessly in his heart, but there was a soft light in his eyes.

"Fool, ah Xue is all ah Xue. It's not bad at all. Even if it's bad, it's bad and lovely!"

When Xie limo talks to Yun bixue, the light in his eyes can really warm people.

Cloud Bi snow listen to Xie Li Mo this words, all have a kind of joyful feeling.

It's like no matter what she does or what kind of person she is, he will tolerate her.

Yunbixue also wants to lose weight and become more beautiful after losing weight.

Cloud Bi snow have a kind of to Xie limo, change a better feeling.

"I will be strong!"

In fact, yunbixue's subtext is that she doesn't want Xie limo to work so hard.

Hear cloud blue snow such a words, Xie Li Mo eye bottom flash a sad light.

The light of Xie Li Mo's eyes is fleeting, and soon.

Xie limo is really remorseful at this time. He wants to protect yunbixue and let her be carefree. But his physical condition is like this. Sometimes he has to make yunbixue work hard to protect him.

Xie limo even felt sorry for the clouds and snow.

But yunbixue has been looking at Xie limo's look, so although the light in Xie limo's eyes flashed away, yunbixue still saw it.

Seeing the flash of light in Xie Li Mo's eyes, Yunbi Xue pulls her heart.

Yunbixue thought about it, hesitated, and took the initiative to hold Xie limo's hand.

When holding Xie limo's hand, yunbixue also has a feeling of electric shock.

On weekdays, two people will walk hand in hand, but at this time, yunbixue takes the initiative to hold Xie limo's hand. At that moment, yunbixue suddenly has a very embarrassed feeling.

Her face is a little hot.

But she still took Xie limo's hand and said, "limo, I want to tell you that I can actually cure your body with medical skills."

When he said this, yunbixue looked very serious.

There was a clear and serious light in her eyes.

Xie limo's eyes on yunbixue know that yunbixue is serious.

But Xie limo was really surprised. He didn't expect that Yun bixue would be good at medicine.

No matter how calm Xie limo was, he forgot to respond.

Yunbixue knows that Xie limo is not very confident. After all, as a princess, she knows her reputation in the imperial city.

What kind of princess is it.

No one would believe her if she knew how to cure.

Yunbixue pursed her lips, blinked her clear eyes and said, "it's true!"

Yunbixue is also afraid that Xie limo does not believe her, her eyes are with a trace of sadness.

Xie limo didn't believe in yunbixue. He was just a little surprised.

"Snow, I believe you!"

There is no reason, Xie limo is to believe that cloud bixue has this ability.

As soon as he thought that his body could get better, Xie limo was all excited, and his mood was a little agitated.

At that time, he can really be good to yunbixue.