Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 29

Cloud Bi snow to Xie Li Mo confident smile, smile is very beautiful dazzling.

Yes, the clouds and snow at this moment are really dazzling.

Will let people ignore her body shape at this time, will let people see her own heart.

Cloud Bi snow to Xie Li Mo smile, as if to tell Xie Li Mo, let him don't worry, this matter she can deal with.

Xie limo didn't know why, but he felt as if he had a tacit understanding with yunbixue.

With a look in her eyes, yunbixue seems to know what she wants to do.

Xie limo understood and knew what yunbixue was going to do.

Xie limo naturally supports yunbixue and cooperates with yunbixue.

Xie Li Mo sighed in his heart, and then said in a cold voice, "gather everyone here!"

"Yes, thank you

Then soon, everyone in the restaurant gathered in front.

Yunbixue only released her momentum and prestige.

She watched how the people looked under her own authority.

Yunbixue carefully observed the micro expressions of those people.

She probably understood everyone's look in her heart.

Then yunbixue said: "you say, who betrayed the restaurant, and who handed the secret recipe to the Jiang family?"

When yunbixue talks, her eyes also have a cold intention to kill.

Yunbixue continued: "if you say it yourself now, I may be able to open up a little bit, but if we find it out, it's not your business. You have to think about it clearly!"

When yunbixue said such a sentence, it seemed as if he had a point.

The two words of yunbixue are psychologically offensive.

People have a sense of fear from the psychological, nervous, always make something.

Yunbixue asked people to take out the paper again, "you write the people you think are suspicious on it. Everyone must write one person and the reason for your suspicion. Of course, you don't have to write your own name and report anonymously. Then the paper is folded and put in the carton. Only Xie Shao and I can see it."

Cloud Bi snow finish saying this sentence, let some people feel relaxed, also let some people feel nervous.

After they were all finished, yunbixue said that she would go back to study with Xie limo and left.

Xie limo was very indulgent in doting on clouds and snow.

Yunbixue said that it was OK. He thought it was OK to go back first.

Even if you send out a restaurant, just to make yunbixue happy, Xie limo does it.

But Xie limo also knows that yunbixue must have her reason to do so.

After yunbixue went back, she took out all the papers and began to look at them.

Everyone wrote a name. Yunbixue showed it to Xie limo, and then told Xie limo who she suspected.

After that, yunbixue asked her subordinates to stare at these people and report anything unusual to her.

Xie limo looked at the cunning light in yunbixue's eyes, and could not help gently pinching her cheek, "is there a way?"

Yunbixue said with a mysterious smile: "you can see, within a day, or tonight, the restaurant traitors will be anxious to contact the people of the Jiang family. We can just catch one ready-made. I have a way to cure this person."

"Ah Xue is very clever!" When he said this, Xie limo's eyes were full of admiration.

Yunbixue blinked, "don't you think I'm bad?"