Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 28

Yes, Xie limo didn't expect yunbixue to have such a side.

In the past, Xie limo always thought that yunbixue was a kind of delicate character that needed to be protected and spoiled.

But now the clouds and snow give him a strong and unique charm.

Although Xie limo was astonished, he was also touched and moved in his heart.

Because he knew that yunbixue said it to protect him.

There was also a feeling of heartache in his heart.

He should protect yunbixue, not let yunbixue do something for him.

Xie limo forcefully grasped yunbixue's hand and said: "a Xue..."

When Xie limo called yunbixue, his voice was soft with a sigh. He really had a feeling that he didn't know what to do with yunbixue.

I want to spoil my heart, but I don't know how to express it.

Yunbixue listen to Xie limo call her, she slanted toward Xie limo here to see, just on Xie limo's eyes.

Yunbixue looks at Xie limo's eyes and understands what Xie limo thinks.

She smiles at Xie limo, which is the kind of sweet smile.

When she smiles at Xie limo, her cold momentum becomes soft.

Only Xie limo can soften her whole breath.

When yunbixue faced Xie limo, she felt a voice in her mind, calling for her to be better and better to Xie limo.

Then the voice in my mind, also seems to let her want to defend Xie limo.

In fact, just now yunbixue didn't think much about it, so she couldn't help being nice to Xie limo.

She can't see others bullying Xie limo.

Although these people do not seem to bully Xie limo.

But she can't forgive people who dare to betray Xie limo.

She can't see others bullying Xie limo.

Her people, whose can't bully!

At this time, yunbixue's eyes are domineering, she said to Xie limo: "you are now the son-in-law, who makes trouble under your eyes, is disrespectful to the royal family members!"

When yunbixue said this sentence, his voice was very loud. It was meant for everyone.

It has to be said that yunbixue's identity can still scare people.

Especially if such a crime is suppressed, everyone is afraid.

Because of disrespect to the members of the Imperial Palace, it's a crime of deceiving the king. It's a crime of losing one's head, and it can even threaten the lives of the nine nationalities.

The voice of yunbixue saying this sentence is very loud. Naturally, many people can hear it in the restaurant.

Yunbixue looks into the eyes of many people in the restaurant.

There was a faint radian in the corner of her mouth.

It is to deter the public that it is easier to find traitors.

This restaurant, she is ready to help Xie limo revitalize, and she has a lot of secret recipes, food recipes, can be used.

But if you don't find out the traitor this time, even if you have the recipe, the person hiding in the dark in the restaurant will sell the secret recipe.

So we need to find out this person at one time.

In this way, other people in the restaurant, Xie limo, can continue to appoint them to be on duty in the restaurant.

Xie limo listened to yunbixue's words, there was warm current in his heart.

He knows that yunbixue's words and the appearance of defending him are all helping him.

His heart is very hot, as if there is magma flowing through his heart.

Ironing, ironing his heart.

"Ah Xue..."

This is his snow!