Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 27

And you've seen Xie Shao deal with traitors. It's really as cold as Shura.

So even if you know that Xie Shao's health is not very good, none of these subordinates dare to make mistakes in front of Xie limo.

In the face of Xie Shao, everyone was respectful and cautious.

In particular, we also know that there is something wrong in the restaurant, and we all have a feeling that we dare not go out.

When yunbixue enters the restaurant, he can also feel the atmosphere in the restaurant.

Everyone saw Xie Shao and said respectfully, "Xie Shao!"

Xie limo took yunbixue's hand and said, "this is the young lady!"

As soon as they heard this, they understood that this was the princess, the legendary princess of straw bags. It was said that she was a dandy of straw bags, and she was very stupid.

But when you see this woman, you don't think so.

Although this woman is a little fat, but she has a noble momentum, and her eyes are clear, with a wise light.

Even when she stood in front of Xie limo, she had a strong air. When she looked at people, she felt cold on her back.

So at the beginning, we didn't expect that this person would be a princess.

At this time, seeing her and listening to Xie limo's words, everyone was shocked and felt that the princess was not like what was said.

And see Xie Shao holding the princess's hand, a mouth is to introduce the princess's appearance, we all know that Xie Shao should attach great importance to the princess.

Everyone said respectfully: "young lady!"

Yunbixue said directly: "I heard that there was a traitor in the restaurant. I'm a person, and you probably have heard about it. I have a way to deal with traitors. If I know something, I'll tell you. Otherwise, if I'm serious, your relatives will be involved with you."

Yunbixue suddenly wants to protect Xie limo and do something for him.

She didn't want Xie limo to work so hard alone.

When yunbixue said this, the momentum of her whole body suddenly changed, and a cold and fierce momentum swept the whole restaurant directly.

Her eyes are so cold, the whole person with the upper momentum.

People can't help but want to kneel down.

The appearance of yunbixue at this time is completely different from that just now.

At this time, the cloud and snow, faded just soft side, become cold.

She will be the same as a little girl only when she is in front of Xie limo.

In the face of others, the domineering spirit in her heart was completely revealed.

In modern times, yunbixue is also the head of the Yuns family, which has developed the family into a top family in the world.

Her ability can be imagined.

In modern times, many people in a country mention cloud and snow, it is very worship.

It can be said that yunbixue is really a legendary figure.

At this time, in this era, the domineering spirit still exists.

When yunbixue showed her momentum, when she said such a sentence, everyone around was shocked.

This Is this really the princess?

In their eyes, the woman in front of them was so fierce and domineering.

Even Xie limo looked at yunbixue in disbelief.

At home on weekdays, yunbixue is soft and cute. She will act coquettishly with him and look very delicate. He can't help but want to protect her better.

But at this time, looking at yunbixue, he knew that it was her!

But he was also amazed by the cloud and snow.