Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 26

The light in Xie Li Mo's eyes seemed to express something.

Cloud Bi snow on Xie Li Mo's eyes, hear Xie Li Mo such a word, heart mercilessly throb next.

She has a feeling that she seems to be confessed.

Yunbixue looked up at Xie limo, her heart beat fast.

Her heart was beating fast and her heart was palpitating.

Yunbixue looks at Xie limo deeply, and feels that Xie limo's eyes are so magical, just like her eyes can make her get an electric shock.

Yunbixue has a feeling that the whole body seems to be over current.

Just when she was in a daze, Xie limo gave her a gentle smile.

Xie limo looked at yunbixue and thought she was really cute.

Looking at yunbixue, Xie limo's mood will naturally become better.

When yunbixue sees Xie limo's smile, her heart beats faster.

She thought that Xie limo seldom laughed, but he was really good-looking. When he laughed, his eyes were full of moving light.

There is a kind of feeling of collecting all the splendor of heaven and earth.

Looking at Xie limo laughing, yunbixue has a feeling of being bewitched.

Looking at yunbixue, Xie limo shook his head helplessly, then took yunbixue's hand and said, "let's go in!"

Listen to Xie Li Mo's gentle voice, all feel that the voice is so good.

The sound alone made her heart beat.

And Xie limo's palm is very warm. When Xie limo's hand holds her hand, she feels a warm current in her hand.

And she just missed a beat.

She likes the way Xie Li Mo smiles at this time, and she also likes Xie Yun Lou.

Yunbixue suddenly thought, let such a restaurant open all over the dynasty, open chain hotels all over the country, let the hotel fire up.

What's the menu formula? Yunbixue comes from modern times, and she can cook a lot of meals herself, which she never forgets in modern times.

So she has a lot of recipes in mind.

She believes that her food formula is not seen by people of this era.

And there's a lot of food.

Thinking of so many delicious desserts in her mind, yunbixue suddenly has a very excited feeling.

She was very excited at the thought that such a restaurant was popular throughout the Dynasty and still had such a name.

When walking, yunbixue has a kind of excited feeling.

So yunbixue walks briskly.

In front of sherimort, she was just like a little girl.

And Xie limo also dotes on and connives at this kind of yunbixue. When he walks, he takes care of yunbixue's steps.

He is quiet gentle, quiet careful.

When he looked down at the clouds and snow, his eyes could not help but bring the light of doting.

In fact, no one noticed that Xie limo's body is really much better.

Before walking for a while, he would be a little weak and coughing.

But this meeting, all the way, Xie limo did not cough, and his face looked much better, and his body looked much better.

In fact, this is the effect of yunbixue's nutrition and medicated diet for Xie limo these days.

At this time, there were few people in the restaurant. It was completely cold and quiet.

But the staff in the restaurant are still there.

Seeing the arrival of Xie limo, everyone's face changed and their mind was awe inspiring.

As we all know, Xie Shao seems to be very easy to speak, but he also has his fierce and dignified side.