Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 25

Moreover, Xie limo seems to have found his direction and goal. He knows that he wants to revive Xie Fu, and that he has a goal in mind when he does this.

He wants to do his best to give yunbixue everything better.

So during this period of time, Xie limo made more efforts than before.

He even drew a set of clothes and jewelry himself, and asked someone to make them.

Although Xie limo is not very good at expressing personal emotions, he is also good at yunbixue in his way.

The way Xie limo and Yun bixue get along with each other has a feeling of flowing.

But two people also have a sense of familiarity at first sight, the intimacy between them is natural.

It's a feeling that comes from deep inside.

A few days later, when Xie limo and Yun bixue were eating, someone rushed in.

"Thank you, thank you. It's not good."

Xie limo saw the people running in from outside, his eyes passed a dark light, he put down the chopsticks slowly, "what's the matter, speak slowly!"

"Xie Shao, our restaurant's signature dishes come out in the opposite restaurant, attracting all our guests. Now there are few guests in our restaurant. Xie Shao, it must be the Jiang family."

Cloud Bi snow listen to these words, probably understand what is meant.

It should be the people of the Jiang family who got the insiders and took away the famous dishes in the restaurant.

The Jiang people really dare to do this!

Looking at Xie limo's look, Yunbi snow is a little distressed.

Xie limo put down the chopsticks and stood up directly, "I'll go and have a look!"

Then Xie limo looked down at yunbixue, "snow, you first have a good meal, I deal with things, will come back soon."

Yunbixue some worry about Xie limo, she also stood up, "limo, I'll go with you to have a look."

When yunbixue said this, her eyes were full of persistent light, and she looked very serious.

Xie limo and yunbixue have been together for some time, and they know something about yunbixue's character and temper. Through yunbixue's eyes, he can almost know what she thinks.

Xie Li Mo sighed, "let's go!"

When yunbixue heard Xie limo's words, she knew that he agreed.

Then yunbixue and Xie limo took a carriage to a restaurant in the center of the city, Xie Yunlou.

See Xie Yunlou three words, yunbixue heart with a shock, the restaurant's name is very unique.

It's her surname and Xie limo's.

Xie limo got out of the carriage and saw yunbixue standing there.

He followed yunbixue's vision and saw the plaque of the restaurant.

When Xie limo saw the three characters of Xie Yunlou, he also looked like he was moving.

He still remembers that when he first built the restaurant and named it, he naturally came up with these three words in his mind, and he didn't know why.

Now seeing the clouds and snow, his heart suddenly jumped.

Maybe subconsciously, there is a feeling in his mind that he has a feeling for the word cloud.

Now reading the name of yunbixue, he will have a strong feeling in his heart.

Xie limo explained: "when I named the restaurant at that time, I didn't know why, so I thought of the word cloud. I wanted to connect Xie and Yun together. Now I see you, I probably know why."

When he said this, Xie limo looked down at the cloud and snow, the light in his eyes was so tender.