Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 22

At this moment, Xie limo has a very sweet feeling.

He took yunbixue's hand to see.

Yunbixue didn't expect that Xie limo held her hand directly.

She was reflexively pulling back, but sherimort held her hand tightly.

Xie limo's movements seem to be gentle, but in fact he has great strength in his hands.

He holds yunbixue's hand, won't let yunbixue feel pain, but his head can't be pulled out from Xie limo's hand.

So Xie limo holds yunbixue's hand and stretches out yunbixue's hand.

Then Xie limo saw the burn of yunbixue's palm.

Seeing the scald of yunbixue's palm, Xie limo has a feeling of heartache.

Because several burns on yunbixue's palm are very obvious. At first glance, they are just hot scars. Although they are very small, Xie limo can see them clearly.

Cloud Bi snow can feel Xie Li Mo's burning sight and eyes.

At this time, yunbixue didn't dare to look at Xie limo's eyes. He didn't know why, but he felt at a loss.

Even if she lowered her head, she could feel the magic of Xie limo's eyes

Xie limo's eyes seemed to have power.

It's like magic.

As soon as Xie Li Mo looks at Yun Bi Xue's hand, his heart can't help pulling it up.

Xie limo had a feeling of heartache in his heart, but he didn't know how to say it or how to express it.

And it's because of him.

It was because she cooked for him that she had such a scar.

I think she should have been the most honorable princess. She doesn't touch yangchunshui, but because she cooks for him

Xie limo's throat rolled down and said softly, "ah Xue..."

When he said these two words, Xie limo's voice was filled with helplessness and sigh.

Xie limo didn't even know what to say to Yun bixue.

A listen to Xie Li Mo sigh voice, cloud blue snow heart all followed to tremble.

Cloud Bi snow quickly opens a mouth a way: "Li Mo, I really have nothing."

Looking at yunbixue's reaction, Xie limo also thinks that his attitude may have brought pressure to yunbixue.

Xie limo put his voice into Judo: "ah Xue, you make me feel sad like this."

"In fact, I just don't know how to burn. That's why. I won't burn next time."

"Next time?" When Xie limo heard this word, he frowned.

Xie limo doesn't want yunbixue to cook again.

He could not bear to see her tired.

Yes, although they haven't known each other for a long time, Xie limo has a reluctant feeling to yunbixue.

"No, I want to make a fire next time and ask the people in the kitchen to help me."

Xie Li Mo took a deep breath, looked down at Yun Bi Xue deeply, and said word by word: "ah Xue, I don't want you to go into the kitchen again, do you understand?"

After hearing Xie limo's words, yunbixue realized what Xie limo really thought.

He really loves her.

"Don't worry, I'm really OK."

When he said this, yunbixue involuntarily pulled Xie limo's sleeve, and had a kind of coquetry feeling.

As soon as yunbixue spoke like this, Xie limo's heart softened involuntarily.

There is even a feeling that everything is good.

And when yunbixue talks, she looks at Xie limo pitifully.

Xie limo really can't help it.

At this time, Xie limo didn't speak, just took out the medicine box from the room and wiped the scalded place for yunbixue.