Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 23

When Xie limo faced the cloud and snow, he could not help being gentle.

At this time to yunbixue medication wipe scald place, Xie limo's action is involuntary put soft up.

He bowed his head to yunbixue to deal with the scald, with a serious look in his eyes.

Cloud Bi snow can feel Xie limo's care.

She has a feeling of being treasured by Xie limo.

Cloud Bi snow also don't know at this time Xie Li Mo look how, she silently a very obedient appearance, also didn't speak.

But she looked at Xie limo quietly, observing Xie limo's look.

She looked at Xie Li Mo serious look, in fact, the heart quickly jumped out of control.

Because at this time of Xie limo, when serious, especially charming, people can't help but tremble.

In yunbixue's opinion, Xie limo is really good-looking.

When looking at Xie limo, yunbixue has a bright light in her eyes.

Xie limo carefully wiped yunbixue, Qingrun said: "don't touch water these days, you know?"

In fact, for yunbixue, this little scald is nothing.

But Xie limo takes cloud and snow seriously.

Yunbixue actually has a sweet feeling in her heart.

In fact, yunbixue thinks it's OK to touch water, and she also knows medicine.

But in Xie limo's eyes, yunbixue nodded her head cleverly.

Looking at yunbixue nodding, Xie limo was relieved.

However, yunbixue's porridge and soup are a little bit cold. Yunbixue is going to heat it up. Xie limo holds her shoulder and says, "don't move. You rest. I'll let someone heat it up."

When it was hot again, they sat down to eat.

Cloud Bi snow some happy to Xie Li Mo Sheng porridge, "you try to see?"

Xie limo picked up the spoon and began to eat.

Mouthful by mouthful, his every move is so elegant and noble.

Yunbixue think watching Xie limo eat is a kind of enjoyment.

"Is it good?"

Xie limo can feel the taste is really good, at the beginning of the smell, let him have an appetite.

At this time, when he really eats into his stomach, he feels that this porridge makes his stomach very comfortable, and has a very warm and appetizing feeling.

Xie limo on the cloud blue snow eyes, soft smile, "well, very good!"

Hearing Xie limo's words, yunbixue's heart was relieved and she couldn't help laughing.

It was originally made for Xie limo. If Xie limo thinks it's good, she will be very happy.

After watching Xie limo eat a bowl of porridge, yunbixue happily gives Xie limo soup again.

"This soup is very nutritious. I've added some things. Try it."


Xie limo also wants to make yunbixue happy.

He also knows that yunbixue wants him to have a good body.

Before, Xie limo didn't pay much attention to food. He didn't seem to care too much about eating too much.

But with the clouds and snow around him, he also began to pay attention to his own body.

In the eyes of cloud blue snow burning, he also wants to eat more.

Perhaps porridge and soup taste good, Xie limo naturally eat more.

Xie limo didn't know that there was a medicated diet in it.

He only felt that after eating these, his body felt warm.

It seems that there is heat flowing all over his body, which makes him feel comfortable.

Xie limo did not know, because yunbixue to his configuration of medicated food played a role.