Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 21

And the people in the kitchen also said that Xie limo can only eat the food in these lists, but other Xie limo can't eat at all, and he will spit out after eating, which is even worse for his health.

Listen to these, yunbixue really loves Xie limo.

When she was cooking in the kitchen, she thought about Xie limo's physical condition and what those people outside said, and her heart followed her.

She just loves Xie limo.

It's just uncontrollable heartache.

So she must take good care of Xie limo's body and help him.

Yunbixue first made some porridge, then stewed the soup, the kind of light but also nutritious soup, put some dishes in the soup.

She also added some special herbs.

The medicated food made in this way, the taste of medicine slowly infiltrates into his body, and such a slow recuperation is good for his health.

Because it's cooking for Xie limo, yunbixue is very serious, even the fire is very good.

Yunbixue used all kinds of things to make condiments.

She added a little bit to her soup.

Adjust the taste and control the heat.

Until all finished, yunbixue just laughed.

She felt a sense of satisfaction at the thought that Xie limo could eat the food she cooked.

When yunbixue is ready, warm the pot with warm fire.

Just wait for Xie limo to wake up and eat.

Xie limo's sleep is actually quite shallow.

Even if he really fell asleep, he woke up in an hour or two.

Knowing that Xie limo woke up, yunbixue took her porridge and soup.

Put it on the table.

"You must be hungry when you wake up. This is my hand-made porridge and soup. Would you like to taste it?"

When he said this, yunbixue looked at Xie limo with expectant eyes.

She felt that if Xie limo thought it was delicious, she would be very satisfied and happy.

Xie limo has already smelled a fragrance.

The smell seemed to evoke his taste buds.

He thought it was the kitchen cooking, and he was surprised.

After all, he felt less about eating, as if he ate almost everything.

He seems to have no sense of taste for a long time.

But today, I feel the fragrance strangely.

He thought it was because of the clouds and snow nearby.

I didn't expect that she did it herself.

Xie limo's eye mask is a little wide. He really can't believe it.

A deep light flashed in his eyes.

He just looked at the cloud and the snow.

Cloud Bi snow blinked, "how do you look at me like this, what's on my face?"

Xie limo walked to yunbixue step by step, he looked down at her deeply, "you are a princess, how can you do these things!"

Xie limo can't believe it. As a princess, how can yunbixue cook?

Even the ladies of the big family didn't enter the kitchen.

And she cooked for him herself.

This means too much to Xie limo.

And Xie limo is also reluctant to let Yunbi snow tired.

How to make yunbixue cook.

"But I'm not a princess in front of you. I want to do something for you and make you have a good body."

When saying this, yunbixue is very serious.

Xie Li Mo's eyes flashed a deep and complicated light, and then sighed, "fool!"

Although he said these two words, Xie limo's voice was full of sigh.

Some don't know what to do with yunbixue.