Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 20

Yunbixue knows that people in this era may not be able to treat Xie limo's body, but she can.

She found that she had a lot more medical skills in her mind, and a little more power in her hand, that is, the light of healing ability.

She also knows how to arrange the herbs.

Yunbixue knows what kind of medicinal materials to buy, how to configure medicine, how to match medicated food, and then take good care of Xie limo step by step.

After almost recuperation, she gave Xie limo a medicated bath and cured him with her special strength.

In that case, Xie limo's health will be completely better, and he will be more healthy than normal.

After yunbixue went out, she saw the street view of Beidi.

She found that the street view in Beidi was still different from that in the imperial city.

After yunbixue found a drugstore, she went in to buy medicinal materials.

There are doctors nearby, and people in twos and threes gather to talk.

"The princess of the imperial city has entered Xie's house. She doesn't know what's going on in Xie's house now."

"It's said that the princess is a straw bag, and her character is very bad. If you know Xie Shao's body, you don't know how to make trouble."

"Many doctors have seen Xie Shao. They all say that Xie Shao has not been treated, and he has only a few years to live, maybe even a few months."

"A few months, is that so?"

"It's not true. What's the Xie family like? It's totally on Xie Shao. He's busy with so many things every day, and he doesn't have a good rest or a good meal. Plus that body, that's a few months."

"It's frightening. Does the princess know?"

"How can the princess know? Who dares to tell the princess about this, but when the princess goes to Xie's house, she knows everything?"

"I don't know how Xie Shao faced such a princess."

"Now there are only a few servants in Xie's house. They are loyal to Xie Shao. No one else can hear anything from Xie's house."

"But I heard that Xie Shao had made a lot of preparations for the princess. He seemed to attach great importance to the princess."

"Of course, he should pay attention to it. How can we say that it's also a princess? It's the emperor's favorite princess. Even if he is acting, he has to act."


When yunbixue was preparing medicine, she naturally heard the discussion of people around her.

Everyone is talking about Xie Fu and Xie limo.

Listening to these words, yunbixue is not comfortable.

She didn't want anyone to say that Xie limo was not.

She can't change the voice of others.

But she knew that she could cure Xie limo and revitalize Xie's family. At that time, no one would say anything more.

And how do these people say that Xie limo will live for a few months? In her opinion, Xie limo will live for a hundred years.

But there's one thing she didn't tell anyone.

That is, she found that there was toxin in sherimort's body.

But this toxin is a piece of cake for her. She can get rid of it.


After yunbixue grabs the medicine, she is very worried when she returns to Xiefu.

She watched as it was getting late and went straight to the kitchen.

Yunbixue didn't ask the people in the kitchen to help. She made lunch herself.

Yes, she's going to make lunch for sherimort.

Using herbs to make medicated food, she also made rich food, so that Xie limo could have a good meal.

When she came to the kitchen just now, she found that the kitchen was cooking those very light meals for Xie limo, which seemed to her to be nutritious.