Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 19

Xie Li Mo throat rolled down, way: "good!"

No matter what yunbixue said, he believed her.

He believes them.


Maybe it's a long way to go. Maybe I didn't rest last night. At this time, Xie could not help coughing.


Xie limo actually has been repressing, let him not cough, he does not want to surprise yunbixue.

But in this physical condition, he coughed all the time and it didn't work at all.

At this time, Xie Li Mo coughed uncontrollably.


The less he wanted to cough, the more he coughed.

Especially in front of yunbixue, he didn't want to be like this.

At this time, Xie limo's face was red because of coughing. It seemed that his face was red because of poor breathing.

This kind of Xie limo, with the elegant demeanor of weeping blood.

Yunbixue looked at him, listening to his cough, can't help heartache up.

"Li Mo, are you ok?"

When she said this, yunbixue reached out and patted Xie limo's back gently, trying to help Xie limo breathe in her way.

Looking at Xie limo like this, yunbixue is also distressed.

Especially Xie Li Mo coughs like this, cloud blue snow heart also followed to pull up.

Yunbixue is anxious.

She couldn't help crying.

I love Xie limo.

"Li Mo, are you ok?"

When yunbixue spoke, her voice was a little hoarse.

She was so anxious that she didn't know what to do.

Listening to yunbixue's voice, Xie limo could feel that she was about to cry.

Xie Li Mo took a few deep breaths and tried to keep him from coughing again.

After a while, after the control, slowly breathing is also smooth, Xie limo to cloud bixue shook his head, "I'm ok, don't worry."

At this time, yunbixue's eyes are red.

Although Xie limo said he was ok, yunbixue knew that he was just trying to comfort her.

Yunbixue also has some remorse. If she hadn't dragged him around for such a long time, he wouldn't be tired, would he?

Yunbixue said, "shall we go back?"

"There's still a long way to go. After I show you around, we'll go back."

Yunbixue shook her head, "it's OK to go shopping at any time. I can turn it myself, but your body is the most important."

When yunbixue said these words, they all looked at Xie limo pitifully, with moist light in their eyes and some red.

Looking at yunbixue's eyes, Xie limo was shocked.

He can really feel yunbixue's love for him.

It's not just worry, but the taste of heartache.

Xie Li Mo sighed in his heart. He was also helpless to his own body.

In the eyes of yunbixue, Xie limo said: "good!"

Then yunbixue takes Xie limo back to the house. She insists on Xie limo to have a rest.

When yunbixue does these things, they seem to be natural things.

"You didn't have a good rest last night. Would you like to have a rest?"

Xie limo looked at yunbixue, some helpless, he reached for her hand and said: "don't worry."

"How can I not worry? I don't worry if you have a good rest."

Under the insistence of yunbixue, Xie limo still lay down and had a rest.

After Xie limo fell asleep, yunbixue quietly gave Xie limo a pulse.

After learning something about Xie limo's body, yunbixue asked people to take care of Xie limo. She took the bodyguard and went to the street in disguise.

Yunbixue is ready to buy medicinal materials, and then give Xie limo medicinal diet to take care of his body.