Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 18

Although I don't want to drink medicine, yunbixue doesn't want to worry Xie limo.

She also wants to have a good body, not to let Xie limo worry, but also to help Xie limo.

In fact, just now, yunbixue was thinking about the business plan on the table. She was making a plan, a business plan.

She just wants to apply everything modern to this era.

In modern times, yunbixue is also the owner of the Yuns family. She has built the family business into an international top group, which involves various industries.

So she just wanted to apply some things to this era and help Xie limo.

Yunbixue thinks that she is missing part of her memory, but she remembers all her knowledge about running an enterprise.

She was working on the plan just now.

In fact, yunbixue also wants to tell Xie limo that she knows medicinal materials and can treat his body.

But she didn't know how to tell sherimort.

After drinking the medicine, yunbixue didn't know what to say to Xie limo.

Although she has a lot to say to Xie limo in her heart.

Xie limo looked at Yun bixue and said, "I'll take you to your house and get familiar with the environment."

When Xie limo said this, it was also a tone of discussion.

He said this to Yun bixue in a deliberative tone.

When Xie limo said this, he looked down at yunbixue seriously.

This makes yunbixue feel that Xie limo is taking her seriously.

When yunbixue heard Xie limo's words, her mind moved.

"Is that ok?" When he said this, yunbixue's eyes were shining with bright light, and even had a sense of excitement.

She wanted to know everything about sherimort.

She also wanted to walk around the house, but she didn't know how.

I wanted to talk to Xie limo.

Did not expect, he thought, but also to take her around.

Xie Li Mo soft smile, way: "of course, after you are the hostess of the house."

Yunbixue can't help but rise from the corner of her mouth. She likes this positioning very much.

He is the master of the house, she is the hostess!

Next, Xie limo takes yunbixue to take a turn in Xie's house.

However, yunbixue found that although Xie's house was relatively large, it was quite cold and there were few servants.

She still remembers what the two servant girls inquired about.

I also know that Xie limo set a lot of people free.

While walking, yunbixue can't help quietly looking at Xie limo's look.

Although Xie limo is introducing the environment of Xie's house to yunbixue, his attention is also on yunbixue.

Cloud Bi snow a little bit of movement, Xie limo have noticed.

"What's the matter?"

Yunbixue shook her head, "you Are you tired? "

Yunbixue is worried about Xie limo's body.

Xie Li Mo looks a soft, "don't worry, not tired."

Xie limo can feel the concern of yunbixue, and can see the light in her eyes.

Sherry Morton gave a pause and explained, "it's a little cold in the house."

"I know that you've set a lot of people free. When we get better, we'll have a lot of fun in Xie's house. We'll only choose our heartfelt subordinates."

When he said this, yunbixue looked natural.

Xie limo listened to Yun bixue's words, and his heart was also moved.

And yunbixue is talking about us.

This makes Xie limo feel that she has made a family here.