Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 17

"Yes, princess. Many of the things he ordered were related to the princess. It was only when he saw that the princess's fever had subsided that Xie Shao went out."

Cloud Bi snow listens to servant girl's words, can't help but smile, "this just how long Kung Fu, you start to speak for him?"

In fact, yunbixue is happy in her heart. Naturally, she hopes that people around her also think Xie limo is good.

"Princess, it's because we find that Xie Shao really protects the princess and is good to her."

"Yesterday, the princess had a fever. We couldn't find Xie Shao. Xie Shao himself asked the doctor to help him. He was not in good health, and he cooked medicine for the princess himself and fed her..."

"In the morning, we saw Xie Shao. He didn't sleep all night."


Two servant girls keep saying.

Yunbixue listened and blinked.

He did a lot.

Yunbixue said: "he is really good, so in the future, you should protect the interests of Xie's house and protect him."

Anyway, yunbixue wants to protect Xie limo.

After that, it was her people. Naturally, she could not let people say that Xie limo was not.

Moreover, she has to help Xie limo revive his family.

She felt that Xie limo was a little thin.

She also wants to use medicated food to help Xie limo take care of her health.

Thinking of these, yunbixue's whole body was full of energy.

When yunbixue had a meal and was thinking about something in the room, the door creaked.

Then Xie limo came in with the medicine bowl.

See Xie Li Mo that moment, cloud Bi Snow's eyes all follow a bright.

Her eyes lit up involuntarily.

When you see Xie limo, yunbixue's mood will naturally become very good.

Yunbixue didn't find out. She was in a good mood.

When she saw Xie limo, her heart beat a few times.

And when Xie limo came in, he opened the door, and the sunshine outside also came in, which just brought a soft and moving halo to Xie limo.

Xie limo was gorgeous, and now he came from the light, but as beautiful as poetry and painting.

Looking at such Xie limo, Yunbi snow has a kind of amazing feeling.

Yunbixue felt that time was amazing at this time.

She sat on the chair, staring at Xie limo, forgetting her breath and reaction.

Until Xie limo came to her, yunbixue smelled the smell of medicine and then reacted.

She saw that Xie limo was holding a medicine bowl.

Xie limo looks at the cloud blue snow to stay Leng's appearance, in the eyes flash the gentle ray of light, as if takes the pet to drown.

Yunbixue seems to see the light as gentle as water.

On such a light, yunbixue can't help indulging in it.

Xie limo looks at the cloud blue snow dull appearance, thinks she is very lovely.

Xie limo couldn't help but smile from the corner of his mouth, "is he better?"

Yunbixue nodded, "well, well, the head doesn't hurt. I've had a good sleep, and now I'm in good spirits."

Yunbixue couldn't help saying thank you.

But she thought that she said thank you to Xie limo last night.

So she didn't say thank you.

But she was grateful to sherimort.

He seems to have taken care of her all night.

Xie limo put the medicine bowl in front of yunbixue's table, "although I'm much better, I still want to drink medicine today. I'll drink it while it's hot. I put more sugar."

Although yunbixue doesn't want to drink medicine, looking at Xie limo's eyes, she is obedient and ready to drink the medicine.