Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 14

At this moment, Xie limo suddenly felt some fever in his eyes.

Xie limo felt that there was heat flow in his heart.

He found that just a word of encouragement, even such a word, made his whole person more powerful.

Xie limo's heart was warm, and he didn't make a sound for a long time.

Xie limo throat rolled down, he Qingrun mouth: "snow, thank you!"

Such a thank you, with a lot of strength.

His voice was deep and hoarse.

Cloud blue snow light listen to Xie Li Mo's voice, can feel his emotion slightly excited.

In fact, yunbixue seems to feel that Xie limo carries a lot of things in his heart. He carries a lot of family responsibilities.

Maybe no one can understand him, and no one can support him so much.

But yunbixue love him, she thought, others did not give him, she came to give him.

Although the two just met.

But yunbixue has a feeling of taking out her heart to Xie limo.

She didn't know why.

It's just like he used to be nice to her.

She just wanted to be nice to him, too.

Cloud Bi snow soft way: "Li Mo, we later don't say thank you good?"

Say thank you, she will feel some strange feeling, as if some uncomfortable, uncomfortable.

She doesn't think she and sherimort should say thank you.

Xie Li Mo partial head to the cloud blue snow's eyes, understood her eyes, he Qingrun a smile, "good, don't say thank you!"

Xie limo looked at yunbixue's look and rubbed her hair. "You're tired too. You just took the medicine and have a rest. We'll talk about it tomorrow, eh?"

When Xie limo rubs yunbixue's hair, his action is natural.

He doesn't remember doing this kind of action before, but in the face of yunbixue, he feels very natural and doesn't say that the action is stiff or unsophisticated.

Yunbixue is really a little tired, the whole person is not very energetic.

Especially after drinking the medicine, I can't open my eyelids.

If she had not talked to Xie limo, she would have gone to bed.

Listening to Xie limo's gentle words, yunbixue nodded, "well, good!"

Her heart is very warm, because she can feel Xie limo's care and care for her.

This alone moved her.

After yunbixue passed through the body, she also had the memory of her predecessor.

She also has memories of her predecessor's infatuation with bailixiao.

Bailixiao didn't care about any emotion of his predecessor.

Even when others ridicule her, abuse her, say she is fat, laugh, he is a cold eye, not even a word of maintenance.

So at this time, yunbixue felt that Xie limo was better.

He is not in good health, so what? She has a high skill in medicine, and she is confident that she can cure Xie limo's illness.

"You're tired, too. You should have a good rest." When yunbixue was about to fall asleep, she said the same thing to Xie limo.


Xie limo deeply looked at the cloud blue snow, and was not willing to sleep.

In fact, yunbixue doesn't know that sometimes her simple words can touch Xie limo's heartstrings.

Hit him in the heart.

Yunbixue is really sleepy, and maybe it's because Xie limo is around. She feels safe and soon sleeps.

After falling asleep, it seems that there are many familiar lights and shadows in my mind.