Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 13

Yunbixue was also worried before she came to Beidi.

Although she had a strange feeling about Xie limo, she didn't know what kind of character he was.

But when she saw it, her heart was steadfast.

Because she found that not only Xie limo's three words made her familiar, but also he, what he said, made her feel warm and familiar.

Looking at Xie limo, with his gentle eyes, she felt empty heart full, she could feel the warmth from Xie limo.

Seeing Xie limo, yunbixue's heart became steadfast.

She doesn't care about rituals.

Although yunbixue is still very fat now, she doesn't know that when she smiles, her smile is very infectious.

Her eyes are so clear and pure.

When she laughs, it's like sunshine.

Just looking at yunbixue's smile, Xie limo's heart will be touched.

In fact, not only Xie limo brought warmth to yunbixue, but also yunbixue brought warmth to Xie limo.

Xie limo deeply looked at yunbixue, as if to engrave her smile in his mind.

"Although there is an imperial edict, it's an imperial edict given by your father. According to the customs here, the ceremony is necessary. I don't want to make you feel aggrieved."

Xie limo wants to do his best to give yunbixue everything better.

He had such an idea in his heart.

Involuntarily want to be good to yunbixue, want to give her everything good.

There was also a sigh in Xie Li Mo's heart.

If the Xie family is as good as before, and if he is as good as before, he can give her a better life.

Thinking of these, a sad light flashed in Xie limo's eyes.

Xie limo didn't know yunbixue's ability at this time, and didn't know that yunbixue had strong medical skills, which could completely cure his body.

Although the light in Xie limo's eyes flashed away, yunbixue caught it.

Seeing the sad light in Xie limo's eyes, yunbixue can't help but feel distressed.

She also wanted to see his real smile.

Yunbixue seems to have a lot to say to Xie limo, but she doesn't know what to say to comfort him.

She thought about it and said gently, "well, don't worry. I'll help you revive your family. Those who look down on you will look up to you and your health will be better."

When yunbixue said this, she was confident, because she came from modern times, and she also believed in her own ability.

Although yunbixue is feverish and weak at this time, looking at Xie limo, she has a kind of strength in her heart.

She wanted to help him.

In that way, she will feel that what she is doing is very meaningful.

She also wanted to make him happy and didn't want to see his sad light.

In fact, Xie limo doesn't know what yunbixue thinks.

To his ears, he was also very moved.

Because the Xie family has become what it is now, and his body has become like this. Many people are watching the jokes of the Xie family. No one said that they would help him revive the family, and no one gave him such a word of encouragement.

Yes, not even encouragement.

Many people look at him, are shaking their heads and sighing, or behind the Xie family decline.

But yunbixue looked at him with positive encouragement, as if he believed that he could.