Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 15

Yunbixue herself was sleepy. When the light and shadow flashed out in her mind, her head became heavier and more painful.

A lot of light and shadow flashed in her mind, which made her feel very familiar.

Vaguely, it seems that someone is calling her.

"Ah Xue, ah Xue..."

It seems that there is a familiar voice, which has been echoing in my mind.

Listen to this voice, her heart will be uncontrollable fast jump.

There will be a palpitation.

And it was as if the sound was in her bones.

When yunbixue was asleep, she also called in a confused voice, "Li Mo, Li mo..."

Maybe even yunbixue didn't know, she would shout Xie limo's name subconsciously.

There is a feeling, there is a sense of familiarity is really soaked in the bone.

So unconsciously, after yunbixue fell asleep, she was also called Xie limo's name.

It's from the dependence of her soul.

Xie limo is used to going to bed late and getting up early every day.

Because there are many things in the family that he needs to deal with.

Even if others think that the Xie family is declining, Xie limo doesn't think so. Anyway, he has to support the family, which is his responsibility.

So even if he doesn't feel well, he will try his best to do something.

So he couldn't go to bed so early that day.

When he lay down, he would think a lot of things in his mind.

At this moment, feeling the clouds and snow around him, Xie limo felt not alone for the first time. He felt a sense of peace in his heart.

When Xie limo was thinking about some family affairs, he suddenly heard the voice of yunbixue.

She seemed to be calling something.

She seemed a little flustered, as if she was sleeping uneasily.

Xie limo is a little worried about yunbixue. He sits up gently and approaches yunbixue, trying to know what happened to her.

But at this time, I heard the voice of cloud and snow clearly.

"Li mo..."

When he heard these two words, Xie Li Mo was shocked all over his body, as if there was an electric current flowing all over his body.

Xie limo rigid body, think that he heard wrong.

But when he listened carefully, yunbixue was still shouting these two words.

At this moment, Xie limo really heard clearly.

Although Xie limo didn't quite understand why she would call his name when she was asleep, his heart was shocked and touched.

He has a sense of being needed.

Xie limo looks at the frowning eyebrows of Yunbi snow. He reaches out his hand and gently smoothes the eyebrows for her.

He moves very gently and gently, wiping the sweat off her forehead.

But at this time, yunbixue is still very restless.

Xie limo hesitated, then held yunbixue's hand, whispered in her ear: "don't be afraid, I'm here, a Xue, don't be afraid, it's ok..."

Although I don't know what happened to yunbixue, Xie limo still tried to appease her.

His voice is very gentle.

Cloud Bi snow listen to Xie Li Mo's voice, mood slowly steady up.

She continued to sleep deeply in the past, eyebrows also gradually spread.

Seeing that yunbixue was in a stable mood and went to sleep, Xie limo was relieved.

Xie limo holds yunbixue's hand. When yunbixue is asleep, she also holds Xie limo's hand subconsciously.

So this meeting Xie limo also can't do anything, can only guard cloud blue snow beside.