Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 12

When Xie limo holds yunbixue, his movements are gentle.

At this time, in fact, his heart turned up the waves.

Xie limo has a feeling of holding yunbixue tightly.

But even if the emotion touched badly, Xie limo still tried to control his own emotions.

Because he tried to control his emotions, Xie limo's eyes were red at this time.

"Ah Xue..."

At this moment, Xie limo did not know why, involuntarily issued such a voice.

As if to say these two words with a sigh.

It seems that these two words are in my throat. I don't need to think about it. It's just like this.


When yunbixue heard a Xue, her head seemed to explode again.

Cloud Bi snow at this time is also uncontrollable, the heart sharp mercilessly trembled next.

Just listen to these two words, just listen to Xie limo call her, she has a whole body electric shock feeling.

It's like something hit her heart and electrocuted her whole body.

Yunbixue head buzzing, the body stiff up, do not know how to react.

Or Xie limo bowed his head and said: "snow, you drink medicine first!"

This kind of address is natural.

And yunbixue is also very strange, like this name.

I like Xie limo to call her a Xue.

And listening to his voice, she seemed to come to the spirit.

It seems that the spirit can be better, no longer as weak as just now.

When yunbixue looks up at Xie limo, her eyes are full of light.

At this time, the cloud and snow, in Xie limo's view, like a kitten, has a sense of dependence on people.

Xie limo usually does not smile, but at this time in the face of cloud and snow, his mouth involuntarily gently.

Cloud Bi snow listen to Xie limo's words, began to drink medicine.

At this time, because her attention was just shifted by Xie limo, so when she took the medicine, it was strange that she didn't feel bitter.

It's like drinking water.

After taking the medicine, Xie limo took out the preserves again and let Yun bixue eat them.

After yunbixue drinks the medicine, Xie limo takes out the towel and wipes the sweat on yunbixue's forehead.

"Are you better now?"

Yunbixue nodded, it would be much better, but not too dizzy, there is still a feeling of want to sleep.

Looking at the tired appearance of yunbixue, Xie limo said in a soft voice: "you will have a rest first."

Said Xie Li Mo holding cloud blue snow, carefully put her down, ready to give her cover.

Yunbixue blinks her eyes and looks at Xie limo. When Xie limo gets up, she reaches out and holds Xie limo's sleeve.

Xie limo felt yunbixue's action, looked down at her, and his heart became extremely soft when he looked into her eyes.

"You sleep. I'm not going. I'm here."

Xie limo's voice is soft, with a soothing breath.

Yunbixue looks at Xie limo's eyes and knows that he is serious.

He's really going to be here with her.

She is very strange, there is a very dependent on his feeling.

Yunbixue blinked her eyes, and then moved in. The meaning is very obvious. Let Xie limo go to bed.

Xie Li Mo throat rolled down, "snow?"

"Li Mo, we are husband and wife, aren't we?"

Xie Li Mo sighed in his heart, "I haven't given you the ceremony yet." Important rituals.

Yunbixue is not interested in these, but Xie limo.

Cloud Bi snow to Xie Li Mo smile, "have already had imperial edict?"