Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 11

Xie limo also had such doubts in his heart.

When he faced the clouds and snow, he didn't feel strange. On the contrary, he had a kind of intimacy and familiarity.

He could not tell how familiar he was.

In the face of cloud and snow, there is a feeling of touching from the bottom of my heart.

And his heart will become extremely soft.

But do you know each other?

He didn't remember seeing the snow before.

What's more, he spent most of his time in the north, rarely went to the Imperial City, let alone met the princess.

Yunbixue blinks her clear eyes and looks at Xie limo seriously. She sighs at his silence. She knows that they should not have known each other before.

She still couldn't help asking, "you Why are you so nice to me? "

Yes, in yunbixue's opinion, his kindness to her seems to be natural.

In addition to his father, Xie limo is so kind to her, so sincere, careful and gentle coax her to take care of her.

She wondered, why?

She is a straw princess, and she is so fat that she has a bad reputation.

It was the first time they met and they were not familiar with each other, but he was kind to her.

Hear this question, Xie Li Mo elegant smile, "fool, after we are a family, you are my wife, I am not good to you, to whom good?"

When Xie limo said this, his voice was also so gentle, low alcohol, especially nice.

The cloud is green and the snow is moving.

In particular, such a sentence, like a ray of thunder, explodes above her head, explodes in her mind, and stirs her heartstrings.

Boom, as if to let her mind burst.

Because, such a sentence, she seems to have heard somewhere.

It was as if she had asked similar questions, as if he had answered similar words.

After Xie limo naturally answered such a sentence, he was also stunned.

He was stiff, too.

Holding yunbixue's arm, it was so stiff.

At this time, Xie limo also felt that such a question, such a reply, so familiar.

Xie limo looked down at yunbixue deeply, just right in her eyes.

Two people look at each other in this way, as if to see each other's heart.

It's yunbixue who is the first to come back.

She blinked her eyes, then reached out and hugged Xie limo, "I will treat you well in the future, and I won't let you work so hard."

When yunbixue said this, he was also very serious.

She told herself that Xie limo was so good that she would be more kind to him in the future.

Yunbixue did not know that such a sentence with a strong impact, suddenly hit the most important place in Xie limo's heart.

Let his heart sea all turned up the rough sea.

No one has ever said such a word to Xie limo.

In the Xie family, he was responsible when he was young. Everyone felt that he should do what he should do, but no one ever told him that he would be good to him.

I'll say I won't let him work so hard.

Xie limo was very touched and moved.

At this time, he wanted to say something, but his voice seemed to be stuck in his throat.

After a while, Xie limo slowly calmed down.

His throat rolled down and he said in a low, hoarse voice, "fool, it's me who should treat you."

When he said such a sentence, Xie limo all sighed.

In Xie limo's opinion, yunbixue is so good. He doesn't understand why such words come from the imperial city.

But it was enough for him to know that she was a treasure.