Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V1.Chapter 2115

Bai Yuexi's head was buzzing at this time, as if there were thunder on his head.

She felt that Rong Yue said so much, so much news, she needed a little digestion.

Her head was all in a mess.

Rong Yue said: "although you are domineering, you don't do anything to your brother. On the contrary, you protect your brother in that way. When your brother grows up around you, he naturally has feelings for you, but you don't know it yourself and your brother doesn't know it."


A Mo deals with the memorial in his study.

But he was a little absent-minded.

He can't help but worry about Bai Yuexi. He doesn't know what his sister will say to Bai Yuexi and why he won't listen.

AMO is very nervous about Bai Yuexi, so although he is looking at the memorial, his thoughts are drifting away.

His heart is also carried and worried.

Just when amo was thinking about Bai Yuexi, he heard the footsteps outside the door.

At the sound of footsteps, amo knew it was Bai Yuexi.

Now a Mo is familiar with everything about Bai Yuexi.

From the time in the White House, a Mo heard footsteps, can determine whether the white moonlight.

Know is Bai Yuexi, Mo's eyes are bright up, the breath of the whole body become soft up.

Bai Yuexi's mind echoed a lot of words Rong Yue said.

At this time her eyes are red, as if a pair of crying.

At this time, Bai Yuexi just wanted to see a Mo, so she came to the study.

A Mo sees that Bai Yuexi's look is not right. His face changes. He stands up from his chair and walks towards Bai Yuexi.

Haven't wait to walk in front of Bai Yuexi, Bai Yuexi ran to hold a Mo, very hard to hold.

Bai Yuexi leans on AMO's arms and tears fall uncontrollably.

It turned out that he loved her so much, that he had done so many things for her.

A Mo feels the moist of the heart, a painful heart, he lowered his head, gently stroked the white moonlight hair, "what's the matter?"

Bai Yuexi shook her head.

Looking at Bai Yuexi does not speak, a Mo is very anxious, want to find his sister, want to know what she said.

"Go and find Rong Yue..."

Bai Yuexi hugs amo hard, "it's none of my sister's business. I miss you, so I want to have a hug."

Hear Bai Yuexi this sentence, a Mo's heart pulled up.

"Darling, I'm here, by your side, and I'm not going anywhere."

A Mo is very patient to coax Bai Yuexi a little bit.

Under the coax of a Mo, Bai Yuexi's mood is much better.

To be a Mo, no matter what to ask, Bai Yuexi did not say, only said that Rong Yue told her something about him, let her feel sad.

For Bai Yuexi's words, amo never doubted.

On this day, Bai Yuexi is very dependent on AMO. She sticks to amo all day.

AMO is very gentle to Bai Yuexi.

That night, after sleeping, a lot of light and shadow flashed out of AMO's brain.

A lot of memories about him came back.

After waiting for a mo to wake up, see Bai Yuexi in the bosom, this just relaxed breath.

Bai Yuexi is confused and feels the smell of amo, and then wakes up.

When seeing amo, Bai Yuexi reached out and hugged amo, "I love you."

This sentence, all of a sudden let a Mo excited up, "I love you, too."

Hearing this, Bai Yuexi is very happy, she can come to this world, know amo, and amo together, is loved by amo.

Bai Yuexi unified the whole mainland, changed the year name to Moxi year, and changed the name of the country to Moxi country.

It's a combination of the words in his and her name.

According to the records of Moxi's national history, Rong Huang was in power for 20 years, and the queen was the only one in the harem. Rong Huang and the queen were very affectionate, and they had two sons and a daughter.

When the prince grows up, Rong Huang abdicates and takes the queen to travel.

During Rong Huang's reign, he made great efforts to govern the country and promulgated many policies beneficial to the country and the people, which made Moxi country more prosperous.

In history, the prosperous and grand occasion during Rong Huang's reign was called the rule of Moxi.

Rong Huang and the queen are loved by the common people.



when Bai Yuexi wakes up, she feels like she has had a dream. In the dream, she and amo spent a hundred years in the world in the book.

I don't know if it's true or not.

But although in a trance, she felt that everything was so real.

Thinking of amo, her heart is still beating.

When Bai Yuexi woke up, she found that she was in the archaeological site where she found the book.

She looked back and forth and found that she had not found the book at all.At this time, Bai Yuexi heard a familiar voice, "are you looking for this book?"

Bai Yuexi looked up, is a Mo, "a Mo?"

"Miss, my name is rongmo. I'm here for archaeological research."

Rong Mo smiles gently to Bai Yuexi, with gentle light in his eyes.

Then he stretched out his hand to Bai Yuexi.

Bai Yuexi seems to be fascinated by the same, trance out of hand, on the hand of a mo.

A Mo will Bai Yuexi to gently pull up, and then Bai Yuexi into his arms, "Yuexi, I have been waiting for you."

At this time, after the soul of AMO was complete, he had the memory of that time and space, so he had been doing archaeological research here, just wanted to wait for his young lady.

Bai Yuexi didn't have the memory of that time and space before. After she entered the book, she could really enter that world and have the memory of that world.

She and amo spent a hundred years in that world, love incomparable, now, they can continue.

"Amo, amo..."

"Miss, I'm..."

"Ah Mo, let's go home..."

"OK, go home..."

They will have a brand new home!


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