Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V1.Chapter 2114

Bai Yuexi received the news and gave it to amo.

Amo then mobilizes the detailed work of BeiYao, and knows that his sister is really in BeiYao.

At the same time, he sent troops to attack BeiYao and looked for his sister Rong Yue.

A month later, amo captured BeiYao, unified this area, and brought his sister Rongyue back.

Rong Yue came back to rest for a few days and asked to see Bai Yuexi.

A Mo has some doubts, why Rong Yue is anxious to see Bai Yuexi.

Rong Yue said with a smile, "don't worry, brother. I won't do anything to my sister-in-law. I just want to talk to her."

In private, Rong Yue is still used to call Rong Mo brother. For Rong Mo, only in this way can he have intimate feelings.

When Bai Yuexi saw Rong Yue, she was also surprised.

because the eyes as like as two peas, the same girl who saw the white moon in the forest house.

But Bai Yuexi also knows that Rongyue in front of her is the real Rongyue in reality.

Bai Yuexi looks at Rong Yue in shock. She hasn't recovered for a long time.

Rong Yue asks to speak to Bai Yuexi alone. Rong Mo is still a little worried and looks at Bai Yuexi.

Bai Yuexi's eyes on a Mo know that a Mo is worried about her, everything to her.

Bai Yuexi feels a Mo's heart, and her heart is warm.

She gave a gentle smile to amo and said, "I'll talk to my sister first, and I'll find you later."


Rong Yue blinked his eyes and said, "I've heard about the relationship between my brother and sister-in-law since I was in BeiYao. Now I know that the rumors are not exaggerated."

Bai Yuexi reached out to hold Rong Yue's hand and said, "your brother and I have been looking for you, but we have no clue."

"Before, I didn't know that I was Rong Yue. It was only recently that I had some memories and I knew my identity."

With that, Rong Yue paused and said, "sister-in-law, we have seen each other in the house in the forest."

Hearing this, Bai Yuexi was shocked, "at that time, you didn't have only a wisp of soul?"

"But now that you are with my brother, my soul will be complete and all my memories will be restored."

Bai Yuexi looked a little condensed, "so, you know everything, you know what we said at the beginning?"

Rong Yue nodded, "well, I know that the story you see in the book is actually the story of the original world. In the original world, my brother also loves you, but he didn't know that at that time. After he killed you, he didn't want to live

When he's dead, let me do it, pull out a wisp of soul, and then he'll look for you everywhere. "

"You mean, he's looking for me everywhere?"

"Yes, so you can come here again and change the trajectory of the world because my brother found you."

"Can his soul come back?" Bai Yuexi knows these things, and her heart beats a little fast. Before she took the book, she thought that she wanted to find amo's noumenon and let amo return to noumenon.

Is it all about her?

Listen to Rong Yue continue to say, Bai Yuexi just understand Rong Mo and Rong Yue's mother is a spirit teacher, so Rong Yue can take out the soul, help Rong Mo take out the soul to find her.

Only when she comes back and is really together with amo, can the souls of AMO and Rongyue be complete again.

Listening to these, Bai Yuexi was shocked.

Is a Mo so clinging to her?

"But, according to the original world in the book, as Bai Yuexi, I am a domineering young lady, and I don't seem to be very good to amo."