Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 1


Xie family's Xie house

the night is deep

when yunbixue falls asleep in the middle of the night, she suddenly wakes up.

Every night, when yunbixue sleeps, she also sleeps in Xie limo's arms.

Over the years, Xie limo has been used to sleeping with yunbixue in her arms at night, so as soon as she makes a move, Xie limo wakes up.

Xie limo sat up and turned on the bed light.

He stretched out his hand to hold yunbixue in his arms again, "snow, what's the matter with you?"

With that, Xie limo reached out his hand and gently wiped the sweat from his forehead to yunbixue.

Yunbixue stretched out her hand and hugged Xie limo tightly. "I just fell asleep and fell into a fog. I saw lino and found that lino was full of blood, so I woke up suddenly."

Now yunlino and yechenyou are in the world of that continent. They have a good life.

Since they came back to hold the ceremony, yunlino followed yechenyou back to the world.

And Yunli Nuo is pregnant, calculate the time, Yunli Nuo is about to be born.

Xie Li Mo gently patted yunbixue's back, the action was very light and soft, with a soothing atmosphere.

He bowed his head and kissed yunbixue's heart. "Ah Xue, good, it's OK. Lino is OK. There won't be any problem."

Xie limo treats yunbixue as gentle as ever. Even now, he treats her as a little girl.

Yunbixue leaned against Xie limo's arms, smelling his elegant and moving breath, and his mood gradually calmed down.

"Li Mo, do you think it's time for us to take responsibility?"

Since Yun lino entered the temple in that world, she and Xie limo wake up.

The memories of her and Xie limo in the nine realms have also recovered.

Xie limo sighed and looked at Yun bixue heartily, "ah Xue, this piece of the world is created by me, which is my responsibility, but it involves you."

"We agreed not to separate, we should always be together."

Yunbixue knows that the reason why there are some problems in the created world is also related to her.

It was Xie limo who revived her with the power of reversion and brought them together again.

Although he is the creator, as God, he also has responsibility.

Listening to yunbixue's words, Xie limo gently stroked her hair, "ah Xue, we need to experience here. Although it is the world I created, it has its own track. And since the experience, we have to accept some tests. I don't know what these tests are. After the test, we can recover our immortal body and go back to where we used to be And never again

"I'm not afraid, Li mo. as long as I can be with you, I'm not afraid."

She knows his identity, she also knows his responsibility, she naturally wants to accompany him.

Xie limo listened to yunbixue's words, and his eyes flashed a gentle light like water. He bowed his head and kissed yunbixue's lips, "snow, thank you."

Thank her for being by his side and never giving up.

"Li Mo, we are husband and wife, don't say thank you." Over the years, Xie limo's kindness to her and her fondness for her are well known to her.

And yunbixue also knows that if it wasn't for her, the world created by Xie limo would not have been a problem.

"Well, don't say." For yunbixue, Xie limo has always been indulged by his good temper.

After really decided to accept the test, Xie limo took yunbixue into a gate of light.