Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V1.Chapter 2113

A Mo knows in his heart that he is more and more dependent on Bai Yuexi.

Only when he looks at Bai Yuexi and feels Bai Yuexi by his side, can he do anything meaningful.

If there is no Bai Yuexi, after a Mo revenges, he may not know what to do.

Perhaps, he will feel that the whole person is confused.

So a Mo wants to hold Bai Yuexi more tightly.

After amo unified Zihua, he proposed to Bai family in Bai Yuezhou as a king. He wanted Bai Yuexi to be his queen and his only wife.

White old lady white father white mother didn't expect, a Mo will be such identity, unexpectedly became purple China King, but also the son of the king's house.

Such an identity is indeed very noble.

They also have to sigh, at the beginning they did not expect that a Mo is so noble identity, or white moonlight can see.

Now see a Mo so protect the pain of Bai Yuexi, care about Bai Yuexi, they are also very pleased.

I can rest assured in the future.

They don't worry about anything, because amo is good to Bai Yuexi, and everyone sees it.

That's really to the core.

Bai Yuexi and amo's wedding is very grand.

The whole people of Zihua are blessing their emperor and queen.

And a Mo as he said, as always love Bai Yuexi, the palace is only Bai Yuexi a person.

Even if he became an emperor, Bai Yuexi was the most important thing.

Every morning, he still combs Bai Yuexi's hair.

Bai Yuexi is really spoiled by amo. She looks at amo who combs her hair and feels sweet in her heart.

"Mo, you will spoil me."

When saying this, Bai Yuexi's mouth can't help rising.

Mo looked at Bai Yuexi's smile, only feel a move, "don't spoil you spoil who!"

Mo is to spoil Bai Yuexi, let her eyes and heart only he.

Only amo knows how deep his feelings for Bai Yuexi are.

On weekdays, amo is as warm as jade,

amo looks at Bai Yuexi with a tender and loving light in his eyes.

Waiting for him to arrange Bai Yuexi's hair, he explained: "I'll go to the study to deal with political affairs first."

Bai Yuexi nodded, "don't worry about me. I'll play in the palace. If I'm bored, I'll go to the study to find you."


Up to now, amo also treats Bai Yuexi as a little girl and dotes on her.

After waiting for a mo to go to the study, Bai Yuexi stays in a daze in the room.

Up to now, she has not found a Mo's sister.

Where is amo's sister?

Bai Yuexi also sent people everywhere to find a Mo's sister, but there has been no news.

Now amo is preparing to unify the neighboring countries.

On this day, Bai Yuexi received the news from her subordinates, which is related to a Mo's sister.

Bai Yuexi looks moved, did not expect a Mo's sister is really in the North Yao country.