Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V1.Chapter 2112

Bai Yuexi loves amo, so she hugs amo harder.

Through two people's communication, Bai Yuexi know the name of a Mo is Rong mo.

His sister's name is Rong Yue.

He is the son of the king of Dingguo.

Zihua was supposed to be the ancestor of Dingguo, but at that time, the king loved beauty and people didn't love mountains and rivers. In addition, the ancestors of the emperor at that time and today were brothers. So when they fought against mountains and rivers, after they were defeated, the ancestors of Dingguo gave up the throne to that brother.

The brother promised that he would always protect the palace of King Ding, and the ancestors of King Ding had half of the troops.

Only because of the existence and influence of Dingguo palace, the emperor was afraid of Dingguo palace after all, so he killed people secretly.

Now, amo wants to take revenge for all the people in Dingguo palace, and even more to kill the emperor.

"Amo, whatever you do, I will support you."

AMO didn't have much ambition, but now he suddenly wants to take back the country, because in this way, he thinks he can give Bai Yuexi better everything.

Now a Mo's heart is full of Bai Yuexi, and the purpose of doing a lot of things is also for Bai Yuexi.

Of course, these thoughts, a Mo will not speak out, so Bai Yuexi does not understand.

Bai Yuexi also only thinks that she only wants to protect amo and support amo.

Next, Bai Yuexi and amo went directly to the place where they once lived.

A Mo is to use his own identity, secretly his father's old Department to call up.

Bai Yuexi is to transfer out part of her elite teacher to help a Mo fight in the world.


The whole country of Zihua was in chaos. All the princes were waging wars to seize the land cards.

However, when amo's identity is exposed, his prestige is also revealed, and people with lofty ideals from all over the country have joined amo's team.

AMO's subordinates are also getting stronger and stronger.

What's more, amo's subordinates still have general Wei Shao.

He personally directed the training of troops.

Even Bai Yuexi was a little surprised. She didn't expect that the appeal of Dingguo palace was so strong!

The civil war of Zihua lasted for three years.

Three years later, amo has become the king of Zihua.

AMO stood on his own as king in the former site of King Ding's mansion, and took King Ding's mansion as the base to fight the world around him.

Because amo is very capable and intelligent, and he has a group of powerful subordinates, amo is relatively easy to fight in the world.

Three years later, amo was 19 years old. After three years of experience, his whole body took on a cold momentum.

Only when facing Bai Yuexi, amo is still gentle.

AMO said to Bai Yuexi that he wanted to give her better everything.

Bai Yuexi supported amo to become the emperor of Zihua.

Because she believed that amo could become a good emperor, and after the unification of the whole continent, there would be no war, and then the people could live and work in peace and contentment.

Three years later, Bai Yuexi was 18 years old, graceful and beautiful.

AMO is also magnificent and noble.

Two people stand together, in the eyes of others are so matched.

In the past three years, it is also because of Bai Yuexi's company with amo that amo can keep his heart and never forget his heart.

He can feel the warmth.

Especially after the recovery of the memory after hours, amo will sometimes sleep very uneasy, but Bai Yuexi beside him, he will sleep soundly.